I think those are kissing gouramis you are talking of. Their 'kissing' is actually a test of strength!
As tstenback has said, angels get too big for that size tank I am afraid. I always think it's a good idea to have a good mixture of top/middle/bottom dwellers to make the most of the space you have.
Seen as though you like colour, male guppies would be good to occupy the 'top' area of your tank. You could get male and female but be prepared for a lot of babies!
Middle could be tetra such as glowlight
Link or x-ray/pristella
Link. You could also consider cardinals or neons but these are best put into a mature tank (about 6 months after cycle).
For bottom there is of course cories
Link. These like to be in groups of 3+ and are a firm favourite among fish keepers. You could have a group of 4-6 pygmy cories as these only get to 1".
Another option is otos for the planted aquarium (people keep them without plants too, but I think plants are better)
Link. These would go fine as well as cories as these only get to 1.5". These also like to be kept in small groups and are very useful for cleaning algae.
HTH I am sure many people will have suggestions for you!