Sometimes this hobby really sucks!


Fish Herder
Apr 20, 2004
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This 46G tank has been frustrating I did a fishless cycle because I thought it'd be better for the fish and I'd have a very low mortality rate. well think again even though I have basically perfect water conditions(GH could stand to be a touch lower than 10dGH) I've had lots of death

Thus far
Death due to unexplained/unknown circumstances

11 x Cardinal Tetras
13 x Neon Tetras
1 x Bala shark
2 x Panda cories
3 x Cherry Barbs
5 x Black neons

Some of these may have been stress of being chased by dainos that have since been removed but that was at most 3 fish.

Death Due to ICH infestation
1 x Cardinal Tetra
1 x Bala Shark

FYI that comes to $58.67 worth of dead fish.

PH 6.8
NH3/4 0
NO2 0
NO3 10ppm
GH 10dGH
Sorry to hear that, Sky. Something has gone funky with my tanks in the last month, too. Lots of separate, apparently unrelated symptoms. But, nothing like your situation.

In my experience (and from what I've read) neon and cardinal tetras are sort of hit and miss to start with, if that helps.

I notice that a KH reading is not included in your test results. Happen to have that reading? If not, I'd recommend getting a KH test. Personally, I find KH to be more important than GH, and possibly more important than pH.

Out of curiosity, do the fish that died represent the total of each species? That is, for example, did all your neon tetras die?
Bol said:
Sorry to hear that, Sky. Something has gone funky with my tanks in the last month, too. Lots of separate, apparently unrelated symptoms. But, nothing like your situation.

In my experience (and from what I've read) neon and cardinal tetras are sort of hit and miss to start with, if that helps.

I notice that a KH reading is not included in your test results. Happen to have that reading? If not, I'd recommend getting a KH test. Personally, I find KH to be more important than GH, and possibly more important than pH.

Out of curiosity, do the fish that died represent the total of each species? That is, for example, did all your neon tetras die?
there are 3 neons left out of 15.
all the cardinals are dead though the most recent death was a obvious result of ich. the first few cardinal deaths are attributed I think to danios. but overall yes the cardinals are wiped out the neons are almost wiped out and there is only 1 bala out of 3 left. Though the first bala death is suspicious the second was because the poor guy was covered head to tail in ich spots.
By the way, it looks like you have a couple other tanks running. Is a pH of 6.8 consistent with the other tanks?
Aww I'm sorry Sky. :(

At times it's very frustrating...I have lost a few fish myself for unknown reasons.
Bol said:
By the way, it looks like you have a couple other tanks running. Is a pH of 6.8 consistent with the other tanks?
yeah pretty much. They all range from 6.8-7.2 mostly depends on my tap water that also varies a little between 6.8-7.2
Oh kyle! im so sorry!!! :-( :sad: im speechless :( thats a big amount of fishes! i dunno what to say besides cheer up hun...... :thumbs: *bear hugs* c'mon ky, you are a strong man :flex: ! you better dont give up cuz im killin you , understood?

more fishes died recently? i hope not! if they keep dying and you run out of.. i would clean the tank... rinse everythin well and do a normal cycle :/ -_- :dunno:

cheer up ky! i dont want uo to be sad! :sad:

almost forgot the 5 black neons that died.
All your other tanks are fine? :unsure:
I was thinking maybe there was something new that might have been added into your tap water by the city or something, but if your other tanks are fine, I have no clue... :/ Sorry about your fish...This too shall pass
Sorrell said:
All your other tanks are fine? :unsure:
I was thinking maybe there was something new that might have been added into your tap water by the city or something, but if your other tanks are fine, I have no clue... :/ Sorry about your fish...This too shall pass
yep the oscar tank is fine. as is the tank with the honey gourmis and the clowns are fine too.
That really sux. :/

Do all the tanks have the same substrate? :dunno:

I can't think of WHAT could be poisoning your fish. :no:
Was that tank brand new or did you buy it used?
Maybe if it was used it had something in it that's hurting the fish?
Is there anyway something could have been introduced?
I know I'm digging, but just trying to think of anything it could be...
Sorrell said:
Was that tank brand new or did you buy it used?
Maybe if it was used it had something in it that's hurting the fish?
Is there anyway something could have been introduced?
I know I'm digging, but just trying to think of anything it could be...
Its an AGA tank. I bought it new however this tank previously housed oscars. I broke the tank down thouroughly rinsed the gravel and cleaned the tank wtih TON'S of water a a mild cleaning solution then reinsed it again with roughly 200G of water.

the only problem with breaking it down is what to do with the fish that are in it. My 54 is in the middle of a fishless cycle and the only other free tank in the house is a 5G hex which is MUCH too small for that many fish.

If I were to break it back down what could I clean it with? I guess I'd also probably change out the substrate to sand since I like that look better.

I'd really hate to have to cycle that tank again since I don't know if it'd be safe to just swing my cannister filter over to the 54 for a while to make sure I don't loose my bacteria culture.

But why would some fish seem unaffected like my yo-yo loaches and gouramis?
Sorrell said:
Was that tank brand new or did you buy it used?
Maybe if it was used it had something in it that's hurting the fish?
Is there anyway something could have been introduced?
I know I'm digging, but just trying to think of anything it could be...
speaking of the poisioning idea
Thats why I posted that thread

I moved the driftwood out of the tank and since then the death rate dramatically slowed down however I had an ich breakout and that combined with the fact that I haven't been able to put any carbon in the water to completely pull anything leached off that driftwood out of the tank(the driftwood had been soaked for a month prior.)

I noticed when I put a piece of driftwood in my 54(a chunk cut off the piece that was in my 46. that it grew white fuzz on it and made the water an odd smell. I wound up removing it from my 54 and have decided not to use anymore of that wood.

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