something strange is happening

If it is as i remember, that is a bad thing. I think they latch onto the fish and sting them along with your hand and it hurts.

Athough i very well could be wrong. :unsure:
I dont think its a bad thing. Bristleworms are useful helping to keep your tank clean, and I suppose it shows your tank conditions are good if they are spawning.

It could well be something else, it just sounded a bit like bristleworms to me.
Spawning on such a large scale is a great thing, unless you have two mantis shrimp that you dont know about anything else big enought to spawn like that and bad would be noticed, personnaly I would sequester some of the eggs in a fuge, if they are something good you dont want your reef to eat them all
More than likely what you are seeing are snail eggs. When you did you water change you stated that you moved the power heads and they streached out from the rocks. The power heads dislogged them and they drifted out wards. If you have ever taken a close look at snail eggs, you will see that they are strung together on a slimy string. Tipically not the case with fish eggs, and coral reproducing, well coral release into the water with out being connected. Much like that of a spore on land releasing into the breeze. Brisstle worms you will find do not lay eggs on the surface of a rock, but rather deep inside a rock or in the substrate.
that sound better than bristle worm as i only have turbo snail (oh the profit if they ever live)

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