Something needs to change...

cometcattle said:
scott_225 said:
it seems to me julie, that people can do whatever they want with their bettas. Leave them alone.
I missed the part where julie told people they can't breed their bettas.

I think this is a great thread that everyone even interested in bettas should read. :nod:
I agree. I don't think this was intended to discourage anybody from breeding. It is however,a reminder to not take breeding bettas lightly.

It's not like breeding cories or guppies or even cichlids for that matter. In less than 2 months every individual male must be housed alone, or there's trouble. IMO..the breeding and rearing of fry is pretty simple. Once they turn into young adults is when it gets hard. Then you have a million jars to feed every day & clean every three days. It's not one of those things where you can go "ehh, I just don't feel like it today" because little lives depend on your care.
scott_225 said:
it seems to me julie, that people can do whatever they want with their bettas. Leave them alone.
Welcome to the board, by the way - I don't think being rude to one of the boards favorite betta gals on your 5th post is a great way to start out here, but welcome anyway. :rolleyes:
Yes, this thread summarized means, "breeding isn't just putting a male and female together."
Im really looking forward to getting into breeding a pair of bettas. Im going to school in a month so it might not be for another year. I can see there is a lot of planning and work ahead so I too want to study up as much as I can. Where are the best websites to find good information about breeding??
Also for those here who do breed, do you sell them? If so how did you get the stores to buy them?
there is a bunch of links pinned at the top of this forum that has sites to everything! go check it out :)

imo, if you breed really nice ones you can sell them online on aquabid or something, otherwise petstores will take them off you. Not the chained ones, but personally owned ones.
Great post. I see this same thing over and over again in different groups. A new Betta owner wants to breed their fish. It is the normal thing for most people to want to do. About half the people will take the time to do research, while the other half will jump into it and then ask questions. I have people ask me what to feed newborn fry. I start to tell them what to do to get ready for the spawn, and they say the fry is 4 days old. :blink:
Spending several hours doing research is the best way to prepare for a spawn. Asking experienced breeders will help. I feel the problem is not so much the new breeders wanting to spawn their bettas, as is the new breeders posting comments on someone elses questions. So many questions are answered by inexperienced breeders, and the person asking the question does not know the answer was given by someone who acts like they know it all. I review message boards on a daily basis, and constantly see things I want to delete. I sell every healthy betta I cull to a local petstore. I get 1.00 apiece for them. I don't make a profit from this, but it helps to buy frozen food. My point is most breeders can move their stock if they take time to prepare for it. If I had 1 suggestion to make to a new breeder, it would be to check your sources of information. Take every suggestion, including this one, with a grain of salt. Getting advice is listening to an opinion. Everybody has their own opinion on everything. My first step on research would be to find out who raises the nicest fish consistantly. Find the top 5 and try to ask them questions. You will find some differences, but most of the info will be the same. If you want to ask a question on this board, read over previous posts, and determine who knows their stuff. Then when you see them answering your question, take it for what it's worth. Wow, did I write all that?? :hyper:
well u'v gotta point, iv been on this forum for about 4 months and am on constantly lerning, about 2 months of this time iv spent lerning about bettas and breeding and everything else. im no expert but i do hope to breed sumday. iv bone my best to makes sure i get fish that i can get rid of after the spawn. sum of u have seen my fishy hes so cool. and i would never breed my bettas with out the aknwledgement and approveal of wuv, u, or any of the other experts.
Maybe we can have a pinned topic or something similar that says "official, I want to breed bettas", just like the newbie section. :p
GuppyDude said:
and i would never breed my bettas with out the aknwledgement and approveal of wuv, u, or any of the other experts.
I don't think it really matters who approves/acknowledges when you breed bettas. Only you know when you're ready for it. When you feel that you've learned everything about breeding that you could possibly learn (even the experts don't know EVERYTHING) and you have the time, room, funds, passion and dedication then who is to say you're not ready? I'm sure there are a lot of people that breed bettas that aren't on the forum and they do it with no problems. I guess I'm just saying only you know your potential and no one can decide for you. :/

Also, I just wanted to add that I don't mean to offend anyone... just giving another opinion.
I would imagine there would be... considering fish are as different from each other as people! I bet every time is a new learning experience!
After reading all of you, I didn't see anyone comes up with any good solution or any idea if someone did breed veiltail like 200 and want to get rid of them. All you guys just nip nip nip like the bettas in a tank. Here I will give a good suggestion to people who had started breeding veiltail as a beginner and want to get rid of them.
Go to any high school or university. Donated all your babies betta to any club and they will do the fund raising for their club to sale the betta. The club basically do fund raising and the money go to many uses for the students. As we all know, people will purchase the betta and will donate for the fund raising. As all of you who can't get rid of your bettas (don't care what betta you got), please think about this and help the student club at school or university. :D

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