Something Isn't Right


May 11, 2012
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Very confused, and at my wits end. Tank set up as per signature. Added a second eheim pro 3 last Saturday. I've been playing around with my co2 in an attempt to get bba and black hair algae under control. Came down Monday morning to find all my discus and some tetras mouthing at the surface in obvious distress, so I adjusted my returns to agitate the surface, watch for an hour and things improved, tho very late for work. All well until an hour ago when I've cone in to the same, only worse, one discus is black and having great trouble swimming, resps through the roof. Seriously considering putting the poor thing out of its misery. Don't know what to do as I can't find a cause. Gonna do a full.set of tests and will post them shortly.
The Co2 change could have messed with the levels of oxygen in the tank.  If you have a bubbler I would put that in to add surface agitation. Thats all I can really think of. :/
Ok guys. Ph 6.0 kh 10mg/l ammonia and nitrite zero, nitrates 25mg/l. TDS 285. Temp 84. Only thing I can think of is co2 is out of sync, despite drop checker showing otherwise. Any help greatly appreciated, especially if the problems with the discus could somehow be linked to the algael issue, never suffered it before. Thanks and
Thanks bluesworld. I'm thinking along those lines to, but baffled because I genuinely have loads of movement and good surface ripple....maybe I need more.....I'll try moving it around
Ok,quick update. After turning the spray upwards to the surface, instead of downwards to disperse co2. All is well this morning, tapping on the glass demanding breakfast. Gonna have to rethink ny returns and co2 level, obviously not balanced well.

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