Something Is Going On

Depending on certain factors yes. Normal lifespan in my experience is a couple of years. I've had them live for up nearly 3 but on average it seems 2 is normal. However, I have had stock that seem to be genetically predisposed to shorter lifespans. Also, I've found that heavy breeders will fade more quickly as well. Even if the guppy is going to live to be 2 it's now middle aged. ;)
All previous guppies I've lost to illness or unknown causes, or I rehomed them.  So, these are my first to keep going and going.  Actually blue tail is one of my first guppies period!  She has had about 6 batches of babies but never big batches.  None of the others have had babies at all.
I am thinking... maybe my guppies are alright...
But I am still convinced that my platy is ill with something.  I can't monitor it properly as it hides all the day long except when it realizes it is meal time.
It's possible. The only behavior I saw in the video was hiding. This can be from illness for sure, or the other reasons I pointed out (bullying, high flow, high light). It may just be they don't like being in the tank together.
The one hiding was the bully though!
First i had a platy tank and she terrorized them all.  Then I moved her over with the guppies and she quite liked them but she still kept her space.  I moved her largest baby in with her some time ago and that was fine... then back 3-4 weeks ago I moved the remaining baby platies in and nothing came of it.  Then for the last week she is hiding.
I just can't see that she is bullied or anything.  The only fish to show some initiative is her oldest baby and that only started a few days after she started hiding and seemed out of the picture, I suppose.
There has to be a reason and it's just a matter of process of elimination to figure out what. My ideas are just that, ideas. Possibilities that it could be but only experimentation will really uncover what it actually is. :)
Right... so my platy has come out of hiding... however her behavior has not changed.  Instead of being on the gravel behind the bogwood and plants, she is now sitting ON the bogwood and plants.  :/

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