Something Big And Colourful


Fish Fanatic
Jan 12, 2010
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i now have a 4ft 200ltr tank with a fluval 205 filter.
current fish are 4 adult bronze corys
2 medium angels
1 adult moonlight gourami
6 guppys
6 lake kutubu rainbows

I want a largeish colourful fish like some of the cichlids but is there anything peaceful to go into a community tank
Golden Panchax :) Bright yellow and stays at the surface :) You could get a trio like 1 male 2 female :)
they look nice.
is there anything bigger for a centre peice fish thats bright and colourful about 6 ins long
a neighbour has a pair of adult blue rams that look nice.

just done the research and they dont look suitable.
You maybe able to get away with Kribensis. I would say Ellioti only because I have loads for sale :lol:
what about an Apistogramma agassizii ?
Yeah that sounds good apistos and angels are a good pairing as apistos claim terittory on the bottom and the angels are more an open water territory user :)
ive read they like softer water with lower ph but im hoping that any sourced localy will be used to the harder water.
How about firemouth cichlids? They grow to around 6" and aren't too agressive.

Mine are a bit territorial, but only towards other, similar sized fish, which they simply chase away. They don't bother my guppies or irrubesco puffers at all.
i now have a 4ft 200ltr tank with a fluval 205 filter.
current fish are 4 adult bronze corys
2 medium angels
1 adult moonlight gourami
6 guppys
6 lake kutubu rainbows

I want a largeish colourful fish like some of the cichlids but is there anything peaceful to go into a community tank

ive been reading about the snakeskin gourami lately. its supposed to be very peaceful and good for community tanks. they're not extremely colorful but they can get 8-10 inches long.

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