Something A Little More 'interesting'...

Dec 10, 2003
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Newcastle, England
Hey hey,

Well it's not very often I find myself in here! I always think of oddballs as being big and scary fish but I am not sure if I am being a little judgemental. :lol:

I am sure there must be some nice but interesting fish. My 5ft tank is pretty empty at the moment and I am thinking of stocking options. I really fancy something a little more interesting but the only problem is that it must like the fish I have already (and not as in like to eat them!!) and not grow out of control as I'd feel unhapy with a massive fish and I am sure it would too.

So, the fish I have are in my sig as is a bad pic of it to see how it is set up. The clown loach is being rehomed soon so no worries about him and the only other fish going in any time soon are a couple more hopolo cats, 2 bristle nose plecs and at least one more female pearl gourami.

Any suggestions and info appreciated, or just telling me to forget it is also welcomed!!

D x

Oh, and Trimar ( is likely to be my supplier...
Oooh, they look like water snakes. Their potential size (according to that link) is a bit scary though and wouldn't my little tetra dudes be snacks?

(one of my tetra types are not properly identified but they are long and thin but with a scissor like movement to their tail so I named them :))
(one of my tetra types are not properly identified but they are long and thin but with a scissor like movement to their tail so I named them :))

Rasbora trilineata scissortail rasbora?

why have you not come into chat since returning?
They are the one on the left on this page (are the left and right the same fish?!) and as you can see quite small. Got them by accident, they were in the same tank as x-ray tetra and the man didn't have a clue. :blink:

So, I reckon they are pretty munchable. Hmmmm

As for chat, dunno. I'll see what I can do later...

Any more suggestions? I had a look in the fish index but it's not looking hopeful for something that is peaceful, not huge but interesting. Cack!
IMO, a ropefish wouldn't work, the kuhlis would be like spaghetti :/

Small oddballs would work though
Peacock gudgeons
Badis sp.
Candy striped gudgeons

Those are just a few I can think of, I would suggest some robust killis (like golden wonders), but they can be like african butterfly fish in disguise :lol:
IMO, a ropefish wouldn't work, the kuhlis would be like spaghetti :/

Small oddballs would work though
Peacock gudgeons
Badis sp.
Candy striped gudgeons

Those are just a few I can think of, I would suggest some robust killis (like golden wonders), but they can be like african butterfly fish in disguise :lol:


Peacock gudgeons are loverly!! Very colourful. A bit of colour would be nice...

Killis would probably like my tank as it's pretty dark and the tiger lilly (seen in the left corner of pic but easily moved) would be nice for them as it raises to float on the top.

Doing well so far on ideas! Keep them coming!!
I'd have to say African Butterfly fish, they only get to 4". Also, even though I'm sure they would eat tetras, they don't leave the surface, so unless you have some daring tetras I don't think you would have a problem. :lol:
I'd have to say African Butterfly fish, they only get to 4". Also, even though I'm sure they would eat tetras, they don't leave the surface, so unless you have some daring tetras I don't think you would have a problem. :lol:

Yeah they're cool! I keep 2 in a 30 gallon and they're spectacular,really grumpy and snapping for food, or racing each other across the tank. A lot of the time they just sit there though, being boring, but looking good!

Oh and to add for an oddball, hunt out an interesting goby or gudgeon :D
They are the one on the left on this page (are the left and right the same fish?!)

Yes they are the same; the ones on the left are juviniles and on the right are adults.

wow, they look totally different!! I got some more of them today to make their group 6 and I now have 6 xrays as well. I also added another female pearl gourami and 2 tiny altum (by the looks of them) angels.

I think I am going to wait for a bit before any other considerations. When my angels grow, I reckon they'll be enough of a centrepiece.


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