Someone Has Laid Eggs! Help Please

Aww so sorry to hear that. Gutted for you :(
Thanks, but not fretting it, as I don't have the time to devote to fry at present.
And I still need to move the tank.
Ah right. When you have more time then :) it's still gutting. I don't know if anyone seen my thread, I lost all the babies, they all went missing from the trap. It was suggested that the older babies ate the smaller ones. I am not convinced, I noticed sand under the trap, the only explanation is the trap tipped :( always me-I always have the rotten luck. 
3 week old babies in the trap. Little cuties!
When I came back home today, I noticed the ram with this white thing in it's mouth, I instantly thought it was a fungal infection-until I saw the eggs on the glass. There were so many. I have removed them now and will getting the small tank from b&ms on friday to put the fry into since they all managed to escape last time. 
Both the pandas and the bronze were at it last night but the pandas are still young so think it's the bronze. I had to hack at my amazon swords, 3 or 4 leaves had eggs under them! Easier to just take the leaves off and put them in the trap. 
3rd time lucky?
Sure hope you get these this time. 
You have had a bit of a time with these fry haven't you? 
Best of luck and keep posting these cute pics of the little 'uns! 
These fry have been a nightmare because I haven't planned on breeding - they just keep doing it! This time I will be prepared! The small tank from b&m, a little sand so I can see the babies and that's it! Here's to batch number 3! I already have 5 from the very first time they spawned 3 weeks ago. This is the 3rd time and the biggest yet!
Well the other option is to just leave the eggs.
And to go along with the title, had a mystery spawn. Don't know wether bronze or peppered. The bronze girls, think there are two, have been fattening up, and the peppers are starting to get the hang of the T position. If they didn't hide so much I might have a better idea of males and females.
Only found ten eggs and in a hard to get to spot. Seems the sneaks did it while I was at work.
Just keep in mind if they are breeding you are doing right by them.
Ooh how exciting for you! My peppers are quite bold and my bronze are shy. The 3 peppers swim like normal fish all day long. Up and down and along the length of the tank! One of them is more green than the rest, I think this one is female.
They always lay the eggs when you are out! I always come back to them! They must see you go out the door lol. Good luck with them. I have about 30 again.
I will be getting the small tank tomorrow. Think the eggs will hatch tonight/tomorrow. They are very dark.
My eggs have hatched/are hatching as I type!!! Really excited! Loads of little wrigglers now! I just hope they don't escape. Will be picking up the new tank tomorrow for them. Just the little 15L tank from b&m's. Then when they are a decent size they can go into the 64L grow out tank. 
wow! Exciting times for you again! 
Good idea to have a small tank for them this time, hope all goes according to plan for you.
Thanks I hope it's 3rd time lucky!
Aww they are far too small for pics but I will put pics up tomorrow of the new set up and ridiculously big filter from my last tank which is about the size of the new tank! It's going to look so silly but I need it to instantly cycle the new tank. Can't wait!
Okay three things,
First, congrats on the new tank and new babies!
Second, I am so jealous. Have only caught them laying a couple of times, and the eggs that did hatch, always hatched while I was at work. All the eggs from this batch are gone. Would have tried saving them, but were in a hard spot to get to without moving everything on that side of the tank.
Third, the deal on the tank fell through. Kind of gutted, looking into a 20gal. long. At three feet great for corys, but another four footer would have meant two full shoals of corys easy, and two good schools of something colorful for Mrs. doodle. Well time to keep looking.
Thankyou :) but so sorry about your eggs, I just got to the rest in time, the ram was having a great time munching them. 
That's a shame about your tank-my sale fell through for the roma :(
Just keep looking, if it's meant for you, it will be there :)
So here it is. The new cory fry tank

It's not winning any tank of the month competitions :p but it does the job. I attached my air pump to the sponge filter it came with, that's on the left, on the right I don't know if you can make out the sponge then the pipe that goes up to the ridiculously big marina filter which hangs onto the side. This is from the old tank and makes the water stats perfect until the sponge filters cycled!
Sweet, maybe not TOTM, equipment is kinda big. But has everything the little cuties need.

And I see it hasn't taken long. You are already sharing advice.
Thats one the many good things about this forum, everyone likes to share their stories and advice so we newbies (and maybe even experienced keepers too!) don't have to make the same mistakes and learn this way. 

Wish lfs would read this forum.............

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