Just thought I would update you all, I have 59 surviving from the two clutches, there are only a few from second batch judging by size, they are big enough to see their little eyes and fins now, they've just had a bowl upgrade, I have sacrificed a casserole dish, with more floor space so they can spread out. They seem to be feeding happily from the liquifry and freeze-dried bloodworms (ground and mixed into a paste, before injected into the bottom I saw recommended on a different thread.) I do have some microworms on the way.
I'm half tempted to just add them to community, as the two juveniles I already have managed to survive, and they hatched straight in there? I've been thinking about it, and I don't have space for all of them, I suspect I have about 50 peppered and 9 albino bronze, I'm sure I could sell some, or if not LFS said they would take some but maybe a little survival of the fittest would ensure I just get the healthiest.
They are faster than I would have expected, my greatest worry is catching them again if there are too many!
I'm not sure they would have the strength to avoid filter intake and I have read stories of people finding them swimming on the canister sponge during maintenance, being swallowed whole by another fish is one thing, but I'd feel really bad if they ended up in Eheim.
I was thinking I might give them another week so they aren't quite such tasty looking morsels, and add them to community at night while the adults are asleep to give them a chance to scope out the hiding spots with less activity. Would give me a chance to buy an inlet sponge before adding them too.
The shrimplets do alright, some are eaten of course, but the population has a steady increase going, and I have been forgoing the fast day since I noticed the juveniles anyway, so adults are well fed.
They could go in the quarantine biorb, as I'm fairly sure there is already some in there from the first clutch anyway.
Just looking for general estimates on survival rate really?
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