Some talkshow says only BioWheel

My boyfriend, who lives in Michigan, knows about block heaters, but says they are not common there, even tho Michigan gets nearly as cold as Finland in the winter. But I'm glad Canadians are smart enough to use them ;)

I've never seen the duvet type of bed sheet when visiting USA or Canada (if we're talking about the same thing), and have always wondered why not. Apparently some people use them, but they're not very common?

OK, getting a bit off topic here :lol:. Don't have personal experience on canister or BioWheel filters, so can't comment on that :p
How about a tank with weirs and a sump, loads of oxygen, tons of media, long periods between cleaning and if your'e careful its quiet as well. JMO

Filtration is a personal thing I like UG because its cheap!, but canisiters are quiet and I run 2 on my 150gal without any problems, haven't seen a biowheel in action but does the water splash around? but i can see the way they work on a nitrobacteria level.

David :fish:

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