Ken: Is it not also true that people did sucessfully keep and breed discus before even powerheads were invented? People like Heckel were line breeding the strains people covert today with very simple gear. No, I would not advocate that someone start to line breed discus today in a slate bottom tank heated with oil lamps - but that's what they did.
We can, (and have), debated the theory of filtration several times - it is fairly obvious, we both know how it works. However, read the original post again. The point I am making is that there is a large amount of propaganda out there indoctrinating newbies into beliving that "X" is the only way to go.
In this case - X = BioWheel. This is obviously not true, and is evidenced by the fact that none of the regular European contributors has ever even seen a BioWheel. Are these people saying European fishkeepers are backward, ignorant?
I am not sure what you took from my post on this, I wasnt saying it wasnt possible to keep Discus in a tank with an under gravel filter, I was however saying that it would not be advised as developments in filter technology make keeping fish much less of an expert task than in previous years. The same can be applied to all developments in all aspects of the hobby.
It is true that fish and bacteria
should have sufficient oxygen for both to thrive, however this is not always the case. If you excuse the analogy, I like to think of it like this:
Would you buy a fiberglass car with no safety features because you
know you are a competent and safe driver? Of course not, you are aware that there are things in your control and things out of your control that can go wrong.
I apply the same logic to my aquarium, if I think there is even the chance that oxygen might dip, for whatever the reason, I would like to have the assurance that at least the precious filter bacteria are one thing I
dont have to worry about, leaving me with just one concern ie the fish.
I dont have a bio-wheel and as said, they arent available here. As such I have not seen any of the hype you mention about the bio-wheel but I will agree on one thing, saying that all other forms of filtration are useless is very wrong. I do not think the Bailey brothers have any interest in Bio-whels other than they have found them to be excellent filters and are happy to endorse them.