Some Questions...

Hi there,

I know what you mean about saltwater, I transferred over for about a year to salt water and as much as it was a joy it really is, huge amounts of work, especially in the starting stages. To keep the corals I wanted I had to buy a metal halide, which cost me about 300pounds alone and it drains electricity alot! The overall setup in total cost about 2000 pounds, with the lights skimmer, powerheads, live rock, refractometer, all the additives etc etc

I am NOT a saltwater pro by any means, lol but I must say I transferred back to a cichlid tank because I found it took a little too much commitment and time to keep the marines.

However, if you're not phased by that, read a lot, ask a lot of questions and if you are comfortable im sure a small 30-40G tank would be a great start point.

Good luck whatever you choose.

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