Some Pictures From The New Fish Room

Looking really good there CFC and moray!!!

And how come u don't come into chat Mrs CFC?
I know ALOT of us would love to meet you! :nod:
CFC needs to share the computer more I thinks :shifty:
how the hell did you get those tanks through that piddly door??

i'm am seething with jealousy!!
Looking really good there CFC and moray!!!

And how come u don't come into chat Mrs CFC?
I know ALOT of us would love to meet you! :nod:
CFC needs to share the computer more I thinks :shifty:

Share the computer - I think not, I had to pop onto it yesterday for 5 mins and you'd have thought the world had ended :D So I get to pop to the site, while I'm at work (but they've banned any chat rooms from all the pc's so that's that). Maybe one day I'll lock him in the fish room and get a couple of mins in chat, before he works out how to get out :lol:
Its great that you have all those tanks and fish and that you really enjoy your hobby but wouldnt you want to spend some money first sorting out the tanks you have. They are not particually desiarable to look at with wires all over the place lights beaming out from the top and the stands look like there on there last legs with nails all over the show. It seems pretty bare inside alot of the tanks aswell, wouldnt sorting this out then your fish house be a better way to go???
Its great that you have all those tanks and fish and that you really enjoy your hobby but wouldnt you want to spend some money first sorting out the tanks you have. They are not particually desiarable to look at with wires all over the place lights beaming out from the top and the stands look like there on there last legs with nails all over the show. It seems pretty bare inside alot of the tanks aswell, wouldnt sorting this out then your fish house be a better way to go???

well I could say:

The part of the hobby CFC enjoys, is the keeping of (in the best conditions possible )numerous usually large, often predatory, sometimes rare but always interesting fish; to be kept in tanks suitable for them and with the right sort of tank mates. And that having the space for the appropriate tanks to house these fish in is more important to him than a few visual defects - like a perfectly good though not aesthetically pleasing stand. He spends time, money and effort making his fish happy and contented, and I think that you'll find that most fish keepers agree that that is more important than spending time, money and effort trying to hide a wire you can see behind the tank. These tanks are mainly for CFC's pleasure, they are not in the house, the tank in the house is a rena which is more of a show tank (though it still is big enough to suitably house the fish it has in it).

But I won't:

my answer is No.
I have to echo Moray here, CFC knows his stuff . The reason a number of tanks are bare is because they are for fish that need room to swim (like rays) which would not do well in a crowded tank of bogwood. Also, most of his tanks have a fairly high oxygen dependancy, making it a far from good idea to try plants in there (you normally find people leep large fish in a tank, or plants, seldom both) which prefer tanks with less gas exchange.

Lastly, for a fish house, you want maximum room and access. I have my tank stands nicely cladded and adorned, but it makes them bigger and restricts access to them. It's horses for courses. And remember, this room is a fairly temporary one until the actual fish room is completed.

And if you don't mind Moray, I may load up a few of the moving pictures myself in a seperate thread. See you soon!
Wonderful tanks CFC! I espically like the fire eel and royal knife. I see Exodons, but what, no Piranhas! just kidding :)
I was looking at the pictures you took yesterday Andy but decided not to post them just yet as its not very long since we lost most of the brackish fish and i thought seeing the pics might upset luce, but since she is ok with it i'll put them up soon.

Can you make a list of what fish you have in each tank?

I sure can, its actually all in my profile but i'll post it here for you as well

205 gallon 66x30x25"

Leiarus pictus; Sailfin pim
Osteoglossum bicirrhosum; Silver arowana
2 Potamotrygon motoro; motoro stingray
Hemisorubim platyrynchos; Spotted shovelnose
2 Cichla monoculus; Peacock bass
Semaprochilodus taeniurus; Fei feng
Mastacembelus erythrotaenia; Fire eel

180g 72x24x24"

Scleropages jardini; Australian arowana
3 Sorubim lima; lima shovelnose
Pimelodus albofasciatus; Whitelined pim
Polypterus ornatipinnis; Ornate bichir
Polypterus delhizi; Armoured bichir
Chrysichthyus ornatus; Ornate congo catfish
Astronotus occelatus; Oscar
Creneicichla sveni; Spangled pike Cichlid
2 Agamyxis pectinifrons; Spotted raphael
Heros severus; green severum

80g 48x20x24"

Mystus leucophasis; Asian upside down catfish
2 Chalceus erythrurus
Hoplyerythrinus unitaenitus; Gold wolf characin
Hepsetus odoe; African pike Characin
Cichla ocellaris; Peacock bass
Couis microlepis; Tiger datnoid
Oxyeleotris marmoratus; marbled sleaper goby
Chitala blanci; Royal knife fish

70g 48x18x15"

Malapterus microstoma; Dwarf electric catfish

55g 48x12x20"

7 Exodon paradoxus; Bucktoothed tetra
2 Hoplosternum thoratacum
Heteropneustes fossilis; stinging catfish
2 Leporinus fasciatus; striped headstander

30g 36x12x15"

Ageneiosus magoi
2 Auchenoglanis ngamensis; Dwarf giraffe catfish
6 Metynnis argenteus; Silver dollar
Apteronotus albifrons; Black ghost knife fish
Mogurnda adspersa; purple spotted gudgeon

(all very small juviniles growing out before being moved to larger tanks)

Four 20g tanks

Chaca chaca; Frogmouth catfish
Tetraodon nigroviridis; Green spotted puffer
50 Channa gachua; green snakehead (all 6 month old fingerlings)

150g Front room display tank

Arius seemani; Columbian shark catfish
3 Scatophagus argus atromaculatus; red scat
Monodactylus argenteus; mono
2 Gymnothorax tile; "freshwater" moray eel
Echidna rhodocheilus; white cheeked moray eel
Batrachus grunniens; Toad fish
Dorminator maculatus; Jade goby
7 blue legged hermit crabs

mark7616 Posted Today, 11:31 AM
Its great that you have all those tanks and fish and that you really enjoy your hobby but wouldnt you want to spend some money first sorting out the tanks you have. They are not particually desiarable to look at with wires all over the place lights beaming out from the top and the stands look like there on there last legs with nails all over the show. It seems pretty bare inside alot of the tanks aswell, wouldnt sorting this out then your fish house be a better way to go???

As already said by Andy when keeping the sort of fish i keep the decor needs to be fairly minimalistic, the majority of the fish i keep are large openwater predators which do not appreciate obsticals in their way and live plants would be pointless as they would be ripped up and damaged continually by the fish as they swam through them and rooted about for food.
The stands are built for strength not looks and since no one ever sees these tanks unless i invite them into the fish room it really doesnt bother me what they look like as long as the water in them is clean and the fish are happy and healthy, and the lighting is purely for my viewing and is only switched on when im in the room, the rest of the time the tanks are lit by the ceiling lights only so it would be pointless spending money on expensive light units when it could be put towards renovating the workshop to be a fish house so i can provide the fish with even larger tanks.
Wonderful tanks CFC! I espically like the fire eel and royal knife. I see Exodons, but what, no Piranhas! just kidding :)

Don't worry as soon as my finances have sorted themselves back out i will be setting up the rest of my tanks and adding another 6x2x2 and a 8x3x2 which will free up a couple of the medium sized tanks for some pirahna species, i definately want an elongatus and ive been toying with the idea of a rhom but thet are getting a bit too common now so i might wait for something else.
I dont have the adult breeding pair of gachua's any more since both decided it was time to move on and migrated under the sofa one night :( but i do have 50 of their last batch of fry left, 10 of which i am keeping for myself, as soon as they are big enough to get a picture of them with my very basic camera i will.
If i had such an amazing array of fish as CFC i wouldnt give 2 hoots about what my stand looked like as long as it held the weight!

As already said CFC is devoted to his fish, possibly more than me (which i find hard to understand!) so he is more interested in keeping the fish looking their best and in the best tanks possible, than spending hundreds of pounds on a solid oak cabinet....

Great looking fish and tanks. I didn't even notice the stands.

How big is your columbian shark cat? I quite fancy one of those or a brackish tank one day.

Great fish.

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