Some Pictures From The New Fish Room


Leader of the Fishes
Feb 8, 2003
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Well as some of you know i recently moved house and now have all but 2 of my tanks in a designated fish room which will house them for the next couple of years until i can afford to make the repairs and modifications to what will eventually be a purpose designed fish house at the end of the garden.

View from the far end of the fish room


left hand side showing 80g 70g and 55g tanks


right hand side showing 180g, 30g, 20g and 10g tanks


further right hand side showing 205g and three 20g tanks


I havent got around to installing lights above the bottom tanks so i cant get clear pictures from those yet. I also have a further 5 tanks to set up once funds permit for building racks and installing filtration for tem.
A couple of closer shots of the 180g.


Closer shots of the 205g, this tank has a shorter light tube to provide a darker end for the more nocturnal fish to take refuge in while still allowing an open substrate for the stingrays.


Close up of the 80g, at the moment this is serving as a grow out tank for fish i wish to add to the larger tanks and to hold my Asian fish until my second 180g arives.


Close up of the 55


And now for my 3 most recent additions

Firstly a lovely 10" silver arowana which was a moving in present from Mrs CFC


A 20" fire eel that i just couldnt resist


And a 10" Royal knife fish that doesnt like having its picture taken


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:crazy: wow those are some massive tanks !! And you want to fit another 8 footer in there somewhere ?? :blink: :lol:
And I thought my livingroom was getting crowded!

When do you hope to get started on the fish house?

Beleive it or not all these tanks used to be in the living room of our 2 bedroom flat, looking back i cant see how we even managed to move in there let alone live!! To anyone who has been considering converting their garage or basement into a fishroom i can whole heartedly recomend it, life is so much easier and peacefull now.

Work on the fish house should hopefully start this summer, firstly it needs a completely new roof as the current one is falling in and then the walls need lining with insulation, the electrics need completely replacing and the floor needs leveling before any tanks can go into it not to mention plumbing in an internal water source and building all the racking. I've estimated that the whole thing will cost around £4,000 so its going to be a little bit at a time unless i'm lucky enough to come into some money.
WOW WOW WOW WOW :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:

How did u fit them all into a 2 bed flat???? im shocked, but lovely tanks, i like the idea of a half dark and half light tank, very kool!!!!!!!

cant wait to see the fish house!!!!

Lucifer :wub:
Looking great CFC. Can't wait to see more pics, especially when the new tank arrives and even more so when you start on your dedicated fish house!

I could make my garage into a fish house, my parents even suggested it, but I may be moving out so dont want to put all the money and effort in then move out....

I don't know...

Came all that way...

Took all those photos...

Moved that ruddy great tank...

Put all those photos on CD for him...

And he STILL doesn't use the pics we took...



Seriously CFC, you should post a few shots of the new brackish tank in situ. It did look amazing.

That fish tank should look amazing, I still say it should be extended when you do the new roof though... :hey:
I don't envy that move!! What a chore, I'm glad to see you're settling in though. Now you only have to move them a short distance when you get your fish house going on.
You give me inspiration. I love reading about peoples fish houses or rooms because I am going to make one once I finish high school college and get my own house. It's going to be awseome. I am going to have a TON of fish and frogs and lizards when I don't have my parents telling me I can't have them since I will be paying the electric bills. Lucky me I don't watch a lot of sports so that's where my money will be going. Looks good.
Nice how is MRS CFC with all those tanks??? Does she also enjoy the hobby?

I'm fine with all the tanks, especially now we've only got my brackish in the front room, it was a tad crowded in the two bedroom flat's front room. And now he's got the start of his fish empire, he's happy, and when CFC's happy, life is a lot easier :D

hey Andy, I'll get on to him about putting up some of the brackish pics you took - see you soon :p

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