Some pics of my 220 Gallon

I just cut a branch off the colt coral (7th pic down from top) to start a new piece hopefully it will go good. the coral its self seems fine but the branch dont look to good. lol. I'll give it a few days and try to post some pics of it.
Thats the best Seahunter! :hyper: - TOTM for tank and FOTM for the tang!
Sea Hunter said:
daria maxx said:
Forgive my nosiness seahunter, but do you live in a mobile home? If so, did you have to do anything special to the floors to support such a large aquarium? I only ask because your picture looks like my aunt's double wide. They(aunt&uncle) have been discussing whether or not they could get a 125 gallon tank for their African cichlids.
Yep it is a doublewide and I did throw some brickes under the floor joices(sp) to support the weight. just on a side note , picture the 125G tank or any tank on its end and loaded with a bunch of stuff, what your looking at is about the same weight an size as a refridgerator and theres no support under that. just something to ponder if your considering if the floors need to be supported. granted it certianly wouldnt hurt to have the support there but in most cases its not needed. I can say I did have my 150g tank in the same place where my 220 is and at that time I didnt have support but if its going to be there for some time I would recomend having it. after a long peirod of time the floors will sag from the weight.
:lol: I called them and told them what you'd said, so my uncle used an upright deep freeze filled with meat)he's an avid hunter) vs a fully loaded aguarium as an example for weight proportion and distribution. I think she's finally convinced. He wants a big tank so badly, so I hope she is.

Thanks :D

Oop! Almost forgot! Add my TOTM nomination too!
Lovely tank...Ilove what you have done with the wall, thats a really great idea, sets off the tank really well! :D
Sea Hunter! Thats an awsome porcupine puffer you've got there!!!! Love it! :wub: How big is he?
daria maxx, thats great news. glad I could be of some help. Hopefully they decide to get one. hehe

Pufferfreak, hes about 5 in long or so. had him for about a yr now. Loves to eat raw shrimp....:)

Thank you everyone for the nominations and complements. there greatly appreciated.
here's apic of a yellow cup coral that I got a few weeks ago. seems to be doing great and I also just put a frog spawn last week. I'll try to get a pic of that one soon and maybe a updated pic of the tank. I moved a few things around. lol. :hyper:


  • TFFcup_coral.jpg
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Sea Hunter said:
daria maxx said:
Forgive my nosiness seahunter, but do you live in a mobile home? If so, did you have to do anything special to the floors to support such a large aquarium? I only ask because your picture looks like my aunt's double wide. They(aunt&uncle) have been discussing whether or not they could get a 125 gallon tank for their African cichlids.
Yep it is a doublewide and I did throw some brickes under the floor joices(sp) to support the weight. just on a side note , picture the 125G tank or any tank on its end and loaded with a bunch of stuff, what your looking at is about the same weight an size as a refridgerator and theres no support under that. just something to ponder if your considering if the floors need to be supported. granted it certianly wouldnt hurt to have the support there but in most cases its not needed. I can say I did have my 150g tank in the same place where my 220 is and at that time I didnt have support but if its going to be there for some time I would recomend having it. after a long peirod of time the floors will sag from the weight.
because I often fill my fridge with 50 gallons of liquid!

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