Some pics of my 220 Gallon

Not real sure on the tang, the shop I got it at said it was a Ocean Tang, that one is about 8 1/2 inches long.

for fish I have

Ocean tang
Regal tang
Bi-color angle
Flame angle
clown fish
Puffer Fish
Spinny Sea Urchent

for corals and others

Sea Apple
A small Bluetip acropora
Green Finger Leather
Umbrella Xenia
Small Brown Button Polyps
Green Star Polyps
A few Mushrooms
Bubble tip Anemone
Carpet Anemone
Flower Anemone

on order

Bubble coral
Pin Leather Toadstool
Purple Elegance
Thank you everyone for the complements. It makes this hobie just that much better. :) :wub:

ste2k3 here's a better pic of that tang. its kinda grey with neon blue along the edge of his fins. not sure if you can see it in the pic, prolly not.


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SEAHUNTER, very nice, hows the sea apple doing, I was told they gave of a toxin?
thats was dangerous to outher fish? always wanted to get one. :fun:
Salty, the apple/cukes are only deadly when they are traumatized or dead. I had this happen with a cucumber years ago. Put him in my tank, he puked, every fish in my tank dead in under five minutes. Just the fish though, (like that isn't bad enough), all other crabs and inverts remained well. We recently got two cute little pink nudibranches. They must not be toxic because our decorator crab ate them both the first week. :sad:
Thanks saltydog, I've had the sae apple for about 2 months now and all is well so far. I just lost a huma-huma triger fish but think that was because of old age. Had him for a long time now. sucks that he died but ok to a piont because of tring to get some corals going.
Stunning tank!! You must have put a lot of time and effort (and money) into it. Just out of curiosity, how much time per day/week do you spend on maintenance?
STUNNING TANK!!!!! FOTM for the regal tang. And TOTM for the tank!!!!!! :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
P.S. What Kind of Puffer do You have?
Thanks.. :)

I put in probably about 2 hrs a week. hardly notice it though because I enjoy it so much but I'd say atleast 2 hrs a week.

heres a pic of the puffer I have.


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SeaHunter,I agree, time is important to put in, it's almost like clock work Im changing water every outher week in my daughter tank.
GREATLAKES, thank you for the info. sorry about your loss. we lost a 4" wild white striped maroon clown, had him for a month, seem it was SCARRED one night by the sharks activity, not a mark on him just died. heres a pic of the clown.


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Forgive my nosiness seahunter, but do you live in a mobile home? If so, did you have to do anything special to the floors to support such a large aquarium? I only ask because your picture looks like my aunt's double wide. They(aunt&uncle) have been discussing whether or not they could get a 125 gallon tank for their African cichlids.
daria maxx said:
Forgive my nosiness seahunter, but do you live in a mobile home? If so, did you have to do anything special to the floors to support such a large aquarium? I only ask because your picture looks like my aunt's double wide. They(aunt&uncle) have been discussing whether or not they could get a 125 gallon tank for their African cichlids.
Yep it is a doublewide and I did throw some brickes under the floor joices(sp) to support the weight. just on a side note , picture the 125G tank or any tank on its end and loaded with a bunch of stuff, what your looking at is about the same weight an size as a refridgerator and theres no support under that. just something to ponder if your considering if the floors need to be supported. granted it certianly wouldnt hurt to have the support there but in most cases its not needed. I can say I did have my 150g tank in the same place where my 220 is and at that time I didnt have support but if its going to be there for some time I would recomend having it. after a long peirod of time the floors will sag from the weight.

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