Some People Suck

I was furious. All the way there, I was rehearsing my ranting and raving, exactly what I was going to say to the manager when I got there, and I was going to stand there while they cleaned each and every cup there....

Only to be foiled by them having already cleaned all the cups. Whoops. Good for the Bettas, though!

I did tell them exactly what killed him. I got a blank stare. That was about the extent of it. Which made me even more mad. But how could I complain? The Bettas were clean...and healthy...and NESTING! There wasn't even a case of finrot among them!
Did you speak to a manager or just one of the floor employees?

And good for you for having been prepared for a ruckus.
Even BETTER for the bettas, though, that you didn't have to raise one.

Poor little guys.
Floor employee, I think. Didn't see a manager. Looked for one before I harrassed a floor employee, though. I REALLY wanted a manager, before I even went and saw the Bettas.
I wish I had gotten the name of the manager there that I talked to. I could have told you who he was, and you could have asked for him.
I'm betting that word will get back to him, though.

You didn't happen to notice any gravel filled cups holding the bettas in the back up, did you?
Yep. Three tiers of Bettas. There were too many for ALL of them to be displayed at once, however, so there was still a field you couldn't see unless you looked straight in at them. But you could see most of them.
They put gravel cups in?!!!

I thought that guy was just feeding me a line of baloney when he said he'd talk to some of the other employees about doing that!
Gravel-filled cups, clean water, and healthy Bettas, BM. Get rid of the apathetic employees, and that would almost be a success.
I'm so sorry to hear that the green boy didn't make it, but I'm glad to see that store is on the ball. :D
Here is a really easy way to identify a manger at PETsMART, they will always be wearing a navy blue or red shirt with a gold name badge. Regular empoyees wear green shirts (soon to be black) and have a plain white badge. If you don't see a manager you can always ask a cashier get one.
Good luck with blue boy I really hope he pulls through!
:huh: They have all come home in cups to me.. :no: makes me sad. I have also worked at many a pet store that think it is funny to watch them fight to the death. Makes me sick, because doesn't that defeat the purpose of opeing a pet store in the first place. I cannot believe that places like Petco don't screen their employees first to make sure that they actually know about what tehy are selling, can take care of and sell things properly, and aren't some phyco animal killers!!!! I used to work for a place that I was the only one who would change any of the animal cages, nobody wanted to touch crickets, fish, or small animals. If you cannot do the job, why the heck are you there?! Makes me so angry!!!##@#!@!@!
I don't know quite what happened.

When I looked in on the blue boy at 7:00ish p.m., he was FINE. Perky, happy to see me. Came right up to the top to see me.

When I looked in about midnight, he was dead of what looks like a fungus that hadn't been there AT ALL before. Not a trace of fungus in FRESH water, changed this morning. That's both of the boys dead of the very same thing, in a VERY short period of time after first symptoms.

It really looks like fungus, anyway. It could be something akin to necrosis, but I can't even begin to imagine what could have caused it, or what could have led to such a quick demise. I tell you, he was swimming around like normal a few hours ago, and was actually HAPPY TO SEE ME!

Both of the fish are now dead. I guess I didn't get to them in time.
Don't beat yourself up over this. You did all you could, and you can't be everywhere fixing everything at once. Pat yourself on the back you made them happy, at least for a little while. Keep smiling.
I don't feel that any guilt over this lies with me at, definitely not. I did everything that I could think of for those two little boys, from the very moment that I saw them. The guilt lies squarely with Petsmart and the person(s) who put them together. Both of them actually went very peacefully, in much less pain than they would have if I hadn't gotten to them. I'm glad to have met them, and that I could have done that for them. But I AM angry that they had to die so senselessly, and that I couldn't do more for them.

Heading back to Petsmart for my second exchange. Woe be to them if there's a single dirty cup or sick Betta.

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