some of our fish

BlueIce said:
Lucky,I haven't see the movie,but I do remember people saying that...must have been a popular comment for a while :D and I've been called much worse :p

How long do badis normally live?
You do know I wasn't calling you a " ****** ******* ", don't you ? [ the boy scout in me ]

The last time someone called me the actual name and adjective , he got knocked on his , I couldn't think anything worse to be called :dunno:

How long do badis live ?

Would you believe .....................I don't know :dunno:

I've read in books 3 to 5 years , but that seems to be a general statement about many fish .

I guess it depends on a few things , I have no idea :dunno: how slow a slow moving stream in India and Southeast Asia move , If your water current is faster they may use more energy and expire sooner than expected .

Anyway about 8 or 9 years ago I first tried keeping them , they lived about 2 months , I kept them with some very busy fish , if you catch my drift , some medium sized cichlids , larger schooling fish G-danios Aus-rainbow fish , the poor little guys were stressed out and died . I USED TO BUY ALOT ON IMPULSE , now not as much :lol:

So I did my homework , and learned about them , every thing I could .

The ones I have now are 3 remaining from a group of 6 I got in the End of June .Look how long it took me , I'm a slow reader :rofl: .

One of the just seemed to vanish after being put in my 70 , they were under 1" when I got them , and hard to keep track of , with all the plants and caves and rocks and things.

The other 5 lived quite happily up until about a month ago , when 2 males died mysteriously , whatever that supposed to mean .

I thought out of the five I had 3 males and 2 females , It turned the smallest one , the one in the picture you liked , the one I thought was a female :hyper: wasn't a female .

No wonder the actual females tail was always nipped , poor thing was busy , anyway 2 males died , and prob for the best , cause now I have all those babies in there , and proven breeders , so if I don't screw up I should have them for as long as I want , know what I mean .

So you're interested :nod: , I have to tell you they like to hide , esp the males , but if you have a small group , and plenty of places for them to hide , you'll see them more , go figure . And yes another essay type answer :clap:

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