some of our fish

He's going to his tube , he's guarding eggs .


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2 OF 6 baby rainbow cichlids .



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I can't get away from him , just look at that grill , :lol: , he's waving bye- bye


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fishdudein said:
Baby badis. Yep. I'm jealous. ;)

My killies better get busy..... :lol:

I have gudgeon fry too .
great fish Lucky :thumbs:

those badis badis look amazing!
Give me your fish! :D Especially the adult male badis! I've never even seen one of those before,so awesome looking!
What are they like?
Your fish are so amazing! I can't decide which is my favorite :wub:
Thanks guys , I have trouble picking favorites as well , that's why we keep so many . :nod:
BlueIce said:
Give me your fish! :D Especially the adult male badis! I've never even seen one of those before,so awesome looking!
What are they like?
O.K. Hazel , you want my fish , come and rid my tanks of algae , water spots and smudges , and maybe we could work something out :lol:

Those badis are IMO much like many types of new world cichlid , they like to spawn in caves , with the males taking amazing care of the eggs , and fry .

As far I know they come from South east Asia / India .

There are a few species of badis with the largest reaching 3" [ males , females are about 1/2 to 2/3s the size ], Mine [males reach about 2 1/2 "]are badis badis badis , the " blue badis " , blue perch ,and a.k.a known as dwarf chameleon fish .

They do well in groups , males will display for each other , females and sometimes other fish , what's cool is they will change color right before your eyes , from a brownish color with vertical bands , to the color in my pick , dark blue , purplish and almost jet black . :cool: .. females remain brownish / not as colorful .

I have never had any luck with them eating flakes or other prepared foods , they love live brine shrimp as well live insect larva , mine mostly eat freeze dried blood worms , FD daphnia , and FD brine shrimp , no veggies .

They will eat live black worms , but I never use them anymore .

They are said not to make good community fish , cause they tend to be last to realize the food is in the tank , I never had a prob with that .

They like the water wet , and clean , much like the fish you keep , water current should be a little slower . They don't much care for salt on a reg basis either , some people like to add salt .

I get carried away sometimes discussing these guys , but I like them , they do well with most dwarf cichlids , all the ones I' ve kept .

They love": plants and caves and rocks and things ", :whistle: , for chilling out , and breeding :nod: .

You would have no prob keeping them , they don't need a big tank , but the bigger , is always the better .

I used to like keeping many of the fish you keep , but could only fit so much in a 70 or 55 :/ I'll buy small and trade em of when they got big , I'd love a 6 or 8' tank :dunno: .

Any other Qs , just ask , Oh I just came back from a fish run , got some ghost shrimp , a four more dwarf Cs , I'll put up pics later , I also got a scrubby thing , for the algae :lol: .
Hazel? eyes are only hazel sometimes :p Today they are grey :D

(that's me refusing to acknowledge that you called me hazel,cuz hazel was some ugly ,daft old witch on bewitched :p )

Those fish sound like something I'd love....I might have to find me some :D

As far as algae,I don't do anything special to my tanks,I just don't seem to have the problems with it that others do.Maybe it's something in my water...afterall half of my fish are gay... :blink:
Jon , the gudgeon fry are still going strong , they've been up and swimming for over a week now , a decent amount.

BlueIce , Hazel was a TV show from the 1960s, about a maid , an ugly woman to boot , guess your not old enough to remember even the reruns[ good for you ] , I didn't mean to offend thee , just a Fraze I use for people that like to keep things neat and clean.[ ;) It's a compliment :nod: ].

Yes badis IMO are Worth it , small compared to what I've seen from you as far as fish go , I'm confident you can handle them :thumbs: .Try google , I got mine from Live Aquaria :/ couldn't find them anywhere :dunno: .

And I really don't care if half your fish gay or not , to each his own , as long as they're happy ? :wub: .

Are you wearing a Grey shirt , my eyes are hazel :nod: , if I wear blue they look blue ,wear Grey they look Grey , with me anyway . pointless/senseless , no one ever accused me of being too serious :lol:

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