BlueIce said:
Give me your fish!

Especially the adult male badis! I've never even seen one of those before,so awesome looking!
What are they like?
O.K. Hazel , you want my fish , come and rid my tanks of algae , water spots and smudges , and maybe we could work something out
Those badis are IMO much like many types of new world cichlid , they like to spawn in caves , with the males taking amazing care of the eggs , and fry .
As far I know they come from South east Asia / India .
There are a few species of badis with the largest reaching 3" [ males , females are about 1/2 to 2/3s the size ], Mine [males reach about 2 1/2 "]are badis badis badis , the " blue badis " , blue perch ,and a.k.a known as dwarf chameleon fish .
They do well in groups , males will display for each other , females and sometimes other fish , what's cool is they will change color right before your eyes , from a brownish color with vertical bands , to the color in my pick , dark blue , purplish and almost jet black .

.. females remain brownish / not as colorful .
I have never had any luck with them eating flakes or other prepared foods , they love live brine shrimp as well live insect larva , mine mostly eat freeze dried blood worms , FD daphnia , and FD brine shrimp , no veggies .
They will eat live black worms , but I never use them anymore .
They are said not to make good community fish , cause they tend to be last to realize the food is in the tank , I never had a prob with that .
They like the water wet , and clean , much like the fish you keep , water current should be a little slower . They don't much care for salt on a reg basis either , some people like to add salt .
I get carried away sometimes discussing these guys , but I like them , they do well with most dwarf cichlids , all the ones I' ve kept .
They love": plants and caves and rocks and things ",

, for chilling out , and breeding

You would have no prob keeping them , they don't need a big tank , but the bigger , is always the better .
I used to like keeping many of the fish you keep , but could only fit so much in a 70 or 55

I'll buy small and trade em of when they got big , I'd love a 6 or 8' tank

Any other Qs , just ask , Oh I just came back from a fish run , got some ghost shrimp , a four more dwarf Cs , I'll put up pics later , I also got a scrubby thing , for the algae
