Some Of My Cories!


Fish Herder
Mar 18, 2005
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Ok so I'll start with my newest cories, at work we had them labeled as aggazis but as usual they were labeled wrong ( :rolleyes: )

Their markings are quite light and they have a "shimmer" to them. Sorry that the pics aren't the best but I'm still getting the hang of it (got a digi for christmas)!






Will post pics of my skunk and elegans in a minute!

Only have one skunk at the moment:




This is the best shot I could get of one of the elegans lol:

I also have a bronze, and he will be getting buddies soon as we just got in a bunch of gigantic bronzes at work, and they are our cheapest cories, so at $3.99 each I can get him as many friends as he wants lol
I've had them for a couple days now. They had been at the store for about 3-4 weeks before I took them home and they stayed that color the whole time, the ones at work (that I left) aren't very active and just sit there, but once I got them home they are becoming more active however not as active as my other cories, so they could be still stressed out I guess? Poor things. I think we had them in before, earlier in the year, and they had the same kind of "washed out" color.
I've had them for a couple days now. They had been at the store for about 3-4 weeks before I took them home and they stayed that color the whole time, the ones at work (that I left) aren't very active and just sit there, but once I got them home they are becoming more active however not as active as my other cories, so they could be still stressed out I guess? Poor things. I think we had them in before, earlier in the year, and they had the same kind of "washed out" color.

Sounds like they were really stressed at the store, since they were faded like that and not really active. They should settle in and regain their color. If they dont, then there might be something else wrong with them.

Nice skunk cories. I have 7 of them and they are among my favorite cories :good:
Yeah it does look to me like a washed out Sodalis, Quite Similar to a cory another member had bought and was ID'd to be a sodalis. Could I ask if a moderator deletes the above two posts because all they seem to be doing is wasting space.
Afishdude & ConnersBala, would you please not do that? It is extremely anoyying and just makes it take longer to get to the bottom of the page to read the ACTUAL replies.
Thanks for the ID guys! I'm pretty sure they are Sodalis too, they have colored up a bit more now so I think they'll be fine :)
Nice Pictures. How long have you had these? They look like stressed out Corydoras sodalis to me.

Hi. C. sodalis do not need to be stressed out to show faint markings. This specie is one of the most variable in markings and degree of coloration. Some specimens are dark and strongly marked, others can appear washed out on their best day. Here's a pic of one I've had for years. His markings are never darker than what is seen here. - Frank


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