Some New Full Tank Pics


Fish Crazy
Mar 20, 2008
Reaction score
I took some recent pics of my planted tank. It is always evolving and changing. I took these pics after I did some major pruning the other night.

Full tank:


Mid tank:


Left side:


Right Side:

Very pretty tank! And those fish are gorgeous :good:
Wow, how big are the discus? They completely dwarf the rams that are in there.
Very pretty tank! And those fish are gorgeous :good:
Wow, how big are the discus? They completely dwarf the rams that are in there.

Thanks, most are about the 4- 4.5" range. There is one smaller guy in there, about 3".

No offense here, but there is something wrong with that black Discus. :unsure:

Actually, he is blue. He's a little beat up from getting picked on. I already moved the bully to another tank. He was much lighter, but stared to darken when the bullying began.
I think it looks fantastic, Hopefully the blue discus will get stronger soon :good:
Aw, man, that tank makes me sick to my stomach with envy every time I admire it. @__@
So jealous.

If I may ask, who's the little guy on the bottom left of the Left side photo? He's adorable.
i absolutely love this tank. 1 of my faves ive seen on here. that 3d rott background gives a real sense of depth. id like to add 1 to my tank 1 day . where did you get it from ? do they do different sizes ( rear panel of my tank is 4ft by 2 ft) or would i use 2 seperate ones?
Aw, man, that tank makes me sick to my stomach with envy every time I admire it. @__@
So jealous.

If I may ask, who's the little guy on the bottom left of the Left side photo? He's adorable.

Thank you.

He's a Bolivian Ram.
lovely discus! i like the little rams too :fun:

got anything on the bottom other than that loach?
c.sterbai would look immense!



The bottom crew are:

Angelicus Botia Loach
Peppered Cory
Sterbai Cory
Several Dwarf Cory
Leopard Frog Pleco
King Tiger Pleco
Flagtail Catfish
Several Chinese Algae eaters
Several Otto Cats

Lovely Tank !!

Whats the Plant in the Left Side Picture? LargeBushy Type Plant in the left corner

Water Sprite

i absolutely love this tank. 1 of my faves ive seen on here. that 3d rott background gives a real sense of depth. id like to add 1 to my tank 1 day . where did you get it from ? do they do different sizes ( rear panel of my tank is 4ft by 2 ft) or would i use 2 seperate ones?

Got it from here:

They have many different styles and sizes.
Your tank looks awesome!!! :hyper:

I love how there is a variety of plants and it just looks beautiful. :drool:
Your tank makes mine look ugly. LOL

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