Some More Pictures From My Collection

wow stunning fish

especially love the Channa gachua

go on be a star and tell me they'd be absolutely fine in one of my tanks :D highly unlikely i know :(
Well i just looked at your profile and from the 4 tanks listed it would be a no, but i'm sure you had more tanks than that before?

Anyway a single fish or a male/female pair only need a 20 gallon tank so if you really wanted one they dont take up much room, for a larger community setting they need a bit more room as they are quite territorial and no tankmates under 3 inches but nothing that can eat a 5 to 6 inch fairly slim profiled fish so no big cichlids or predatory catfish/oddballs, to be honest a species tank is the best way to go.

Have a think about it and if you really want some then i have a 3" juvinile in with my exodons that you can have if you want to drive down and collect it, he went in as a feeder a long while ago when i had far too many fry (they have 2 or 3 hundred with every spawn) and some how survived and grew up so i dont have the heart to off him in one of the other tanks.
Well i just looked at your profile and from the 4 tanks listed it would be a no, but i'm sure you had more tanks than that before?

Anyway a single fish or a male/female pair only need a 20 gallon tank so if you really wanted one they dont take up much room, for a larger community setting they need a bit more room as they are quite territorial and no tankmates under 3 inches but nothing that can eat a 5 to 6 inch fairly slim profiled fish so no big cichlids or predatory catfish/oddballs, to be honest a species tank is the best way to go.

Have a think about it and if you really want some then i have a 3" juvinile in with my exodons that you can have if you want to drive down and collect it, he went in as a feeder a long while ago when i had far too many fry (they have 2 or 3 hundred with every spawn) and some how survived and grew up so i dont have the heart to off him in one of the other tanks.

yeah we had to reign in our mts, we had 8 tanks, down to 5 now, but we do have a lovely big sofa and room to walk around it now!!

ah i was thinking the could maybe work as dithers in Oscars tank, maybe they just seem fatter in the pics than they are in real life?! it'd take me well overstocked on that tank anyway really. think i'm just dreaming :rolleyes:

that's a lovely offer but we've really nowhere for even a 20g to go. it's tragic. :-( only way i can get any more fish until we move house is if they can go in one of my current set up's or if I close down a tank and start a new one.

and you've no idea how many times i've thought about re-homing Oscar so I can use the lovely big tank a bit better. But the chances of finding him a good home are really slim to none, and he's my responsibility so unless I know someone can care for him properly he's going nowehere.

i'll just put them on my list for 'one day' i think
gotta love the fowleri!hes fab!and :wub: gachua fry :wub:

you should charge admision to the fishroom (discount for tff members of course :hey: )surely when the fishhouse is built then that will be the ideal venue for the next tff meet????? :lol:

you really must have one of the best personal fish collections i know of :nod: great pics as ever

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