Some more photos of my Corys!

:cool: great pics Julia
thanks for that
The-Wolf said:
:cool: great pics Julia
thanks for that

They are really happy in their new home, and as you can see, they love the "Tetra Fresh Delica" Brine Shimps!!!

julibob said:
C. Concolors and C. Aeneus Peru Green Laser


Hi there,

My understanding was that the flourescent striped cories (green, orange etc) were actually more closely related to Corydoras melanotaenia than Corydoras aeneus ?


a.d.wood said:
julibob said:
C. Concolors and C. Aeneus Peru Green Laser


Hi there,

My understanding was that the flourescent striped cories (green, orange etc) were actually more closely related to Corydoras melanotaenia than Corydoras aeneus ?



Andrew check out the link below.

This is where I get my information from, and I thought they were always quite accurate. Perhaps someone else can throw some insight on this?

Hi Julie,

Corydoras sp cf aeneus > this is a species (sp) that compares (cf) to Corydoras aeneus but due to various differences (morphology etc) we are unable to call it that specific species.

My info came from discussions with Ian Fuller (Coryman on Planet Catfish) about his latest 'orange laser' aquisitions (it's also in his new book > Identifying Corydoradinae Catfish, pg 164).

I would expect that these flourescent stripes would no doubt end up with a latin name along the lines of Corydoras sp cf melanotaenia (as it's a close, but not exact match) until they are fully described.


I have both the Green Laser and the melanotaenia (green-golds) in the same tank and, depending on the light, have mistaken one for the other. That's how similar they are, at least in appearance.

My orange lasers more closely resemble the other C. aeneus in appearance, being less streamlined and more chunky. It could be that they are just more mature though.

I guess we will just have to wait for the science gurus to make the final call. :D
Siamese Fighter05 said:
Beautiful cories!! that C. Concolor is really amazing! :eek:

I know, they have such adorable eyes! :wub:

seffieuk said:
gorgeous fish :kewlpics:

where are u buying them from Julie?

I get them from Jackswood Pets and Aquatics (Paddock Wood, Kent).

I am sorry to hear that your Green Lasers were not Green Lasers at all!

The-Wolf works where I get mine from.

Hi julibob :)

Your skunk corys (C. arcuatus) are sweet too. :wub: They are really an attention grabber in any tank with their bold black stripes. :D
Seeing as you all like my Green Laser Corys so much, here are a couple more that I took tonight whilst they were having their evening meal of brine shrimp (yum, yum)!


and another


Hope you like them

Since there was a mention earlier in this thread about the similarity between the laser corys and C. melanotaenia (green golds), I thought I'd put up this picture of the green gold so you could compare them:


As you can see, it does have a pretty color, but compared to the flamboyant colors of the green laser, it looks a bit drab. :D

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