Some Bettas From A Lfs

A couple of points to make:

1.) Bettas are kept in their own containers because of their incompatibility with most fish.
2.) They containers are small as they are not expected to live there long, and because most LFS recieve large stock, space is limited on the amount of 10L tank they can aquire to house bettas.
3.) Most LFS will change that water everyday, not to mention there are additives in the water (at least in the stores I go to) to help alleviate stress.
4.) The only cruelty that comes is those that buy the bettas and take them from the cup and put them in a tank not much bigger.
5.)I have bought many bettas from cups and they died due to my reclesness and lack of knowledge, not because I bought them from a cup.

Everyone gets so butt hurt because of how bettas are kept and while I see why, I also understand that space is limited and that it is meant only to be temporary. Betta breeders are generally no different. And this doesnt just stand for bettas. I see baby oscars in 10g tank all the time, but it is meant as temporary housing until the oscars go to a good home. So, that being said, please everyone, get off your horses and maybe rescue the fish, rather than getting uppity on the internet because opinions dont match.
pics are up again. Going to my fav LFS tmr night and will take some pics of high end bettas and guppies since so many people keep them both here.
@My favourite LFS; probably the best betta shop here.

Containers of Bettas up front















I'm actually glad this store isn't near me. Can you imagine? I would want everyone of those beauties....and Omg what if one of them were kind enough to build a bubble nest? How could you NOT keep all of the babies? :hyper:
O my gosh it's a good thing that I don't live close to that store cus I would have a hard time not buying one
I love the orange one he looks exactly like my boy Bo
The bottom two pics of the golden boy did not do it justice. He was soooo gorgeous! And had a matching female too. Yeah, it takes a lot for any of us to go in there and not buy stuff. Lol. The shop has Thai and Indonesia imported plakats, wilds and splendens too occasionally for sale. Too bad my camera died before I had a chance to take more photos. Quite a few wilds there atm, including a pair of macrostomas. More pics for those of you who keep other than bettas:

S/SS grade CRS

Show quality goldfish

Wild heckel discus

One of my favourite small fish, wild caught coral red pencilfish (peru)
The bottom two pics of the golden boy did not do it justice. He was soooo gorgeous! And had a matching female too. Yeah, it takes a lot for any of us to go in there and not buy stuff. Lol. The shop has Thai and Indonesia imported plakats, wilds and splendens too occasionally for sale. Too bad my camera died before I had a chance to take more photos. Quite a few wilds there atm, including a pair of macrostomas. More pics for those of you who keep other than bettas:

S/SS grade CRS

Show quality goldfish

Wild heckel discus

One of my favourite small fish, wild caught coral red pencilfish (peru)
Theres some stunners there :drool:
love the first betta one on the thread! it is so ugly it is beautiful (compliment :) ) i thought that i would never get an other betta but i just cant help love them and i keep getting them!
I don't really want to feed anyones argument here but while I agree that it isn't the best for the betta's, breeders keep males and females in 1/2-1 gallon tanks for life unless they are using them for breeding. Those betta's will not be there for all there life, I can happily say that with 80% certainty. Yes there is still the 20% that I believe they will either die or live their lives in there but P@H are the same and I do buy from them as their fish are getting a lot better, especially their betta's. I can say this with 100% certainty because I bought my PK male from them and have recently bred him with success. You can argue that this is because of proper care but I used to use P@H a few years ago and my fish were dying nearly straight away because they were ill or had been there for too long.
This is the day I got my PK home.

This is my PK 2 days after I got him home.

He got moved from a 15 Gallon tank to a 6 Gallon tank and although he sulked for a few hours, he settled really well.

I've spoken my part.

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