Thank you for the compliments! I am happy with the way it looks so far.
I added my first fish yesterday a firefish goby/dartfish. He hid under the rocks for half the day, then was actively looking for food on the current. He took a couple small pieces of mysid and seems to be fine with the new accomodations. I also added a skunk cleaner shrimp and a green star polyp. The shrimp tried cleaning my hand this morning, pretty neat sensation. Also got another 2" bristle worm along with the coral. I had caught him with tweezers, id'd him(or so i think)as the good kind and let him loose in the tank. My wife is less than impressed with it, her exact words-"I don't like that AT ALL!"
Mr Crabs seems to be doing even worse. He had crawled deeper under the rock and was there on his back all day yesterday. This morning I didn't see any movement of his legs so I moved his shell. He did not even retreat all the way in as I dragged him across the sand. When I left him at the front of the tank, he kind of half-way crawled out of his shell and then went back in. I have not seen him retreat fully into the shell all day, as he used to do this before.
I wonder if there is anything I can do for him. I was looking online and someone had suggested Melafix bath for a sick hermit, but I think this was for a land hermit. Anyone know if this is a good idea for Mr Crabs here? I have a bottle of melafix, so it would be problem to try it. The bottle doesn't say anything about saltwater use in general, is it ok for marine use?