Personally I don't think it's a bad thing to do a home inspection and take an application, but I also don't think it's altogether right either.
You have some people who are very private individuals and don't like others in their homes, and you have some people who can't take off work at odd hours of the day to meet someone at their home during work hours either..should that mean they shouldn't be allowed an animal? I'd think not.
People who are going to abuse animals on purpose generally aren't going to go to the trouble of going to an adoption agency, filling out paperwork, and paying money for it.
People who do that generally speaking (over here anyways) just get a "freebie" out of the paper or at the local store where a kid has them in a box giving them away. Not saying everyone who gets a kitten/puppy/animal that way is going to abuse an animal though. I don't think 90% of the people who get caught abusing animals meant for it to start in the first place. Most are just lazy people who "thought" they would take care of it..then lost intrest, and it goes downhill after that. That can happen whether you had a home inspection or just grabbed a stray off the street and stuck it in your house.
They come from both sides. I could put on a "good" show at my house then when the cat comes turns to a different story. Invading someone's privacy is a little over the top IMHO...but it is their animal to do with as they please, so there's not much you can say about it.
Personally I don't think they should have my work information or my drivers license number (unless I wrote them a check) or my social security number..that's really none of their business. It's not like you are applying for credit.
When they start regulating who can and can't breed animals and start a mandatory spay/nueter program for all people not paying to be breeders or keep animals...then I might be more lenient to giving out my information in those circumstance. Otherrwise..I don't think it's their business.
I think your name, home address, homephone number, and a vet reference should be plenty of information. Of course, I am not one to give out my personal information without a fight either...I get tired of getting harrassed by telemarketers when companies sell your personal information (and yes, those type places will do it have NO way of finding why wouldn't makes them money..employees can do it all on their own.. and no one is ever the wiser).
WRS..try going, or calling, your local area vets and either look, or have them look, on there bulliten boards. People post free kittens ALL the time at vet offices. At least you know if you get one of those..that it won't just be roaming around creating more kittens or getting run over.
I think they charge WAY too much for animals at shelters. They are funded by the government and private sources to be run and charging $150 (like Petco does) is WAY over-rated for a stray cat. For $150 I could get a purebred kitten from a breeder (not that a purebred is any better thena mixed breed mind you).
I know they house and feed them..but again that is government funded (or atleast ours here in AL are..unless it's a private orginazation...and even then they can still apply for funding if they want of my friends is opening one, that's how I knwo all that).
They are allocated funds for all that, plus they don't pay peopel to work's a volunteer staff (even the vets). They want to push how many strays are in the pounds..yet they want to charge you more then a breeder would for a kitten/puppy....not very good marketing imo. Then all that ends up is the animal gets PTS because no one would spend the $$$ to adopt it. Which is worse though?
They say they are charging you for shots, wormer, and a spay/nueter..but for $150..I can get all that twice on my own. Plus, when you take it to the vet..if it's not the vet that gave them the vacc..they will want to charge you again..because the animal doesn't come with paperwork stating they have had the vacc's...before they will allow it to stay in the back of their facility with other animals when you take it in to have it's spay/nueter. That's kinda...not right imho.
I do support my local spay/nueter program though. I always buy a certificate from them to use at my local participating vet. Saves me money and donates to them as well. You can get a spay on a female dog for $56, male dog for $35, female cat for $30, and a male cat for $15.