Solenoid Question And First Planting Pic


Fish Herder
Mar 18, 2008
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hi, i feel really stupid for asking this but the solenoid didn't come with instructions so i just want to make sure. Is there a specific way round the solenoid should be attached?


Also, this is my initial planting for my first aquascape, sorry for the crappy quality of picture but any opinions would be fantastic, i'm waiting for some mid ground plants to place infront of the bleheri and infront of the left corner of vallis nana


many thanks,
Is there an arrow on the solenoid?

Tank looks nice, some blyxa japoinca would look nice surrounding the wood on the left.
Is there an arrow on the solenoid?

Tank looks nice, some blyxa japoinca would look nice surrounding the wood on the left.

hi aaron, thanks. Yes there is a arrow on the right side of the solenoid in the pic, its pointing upwards - what does this mean?
Tank is looking very nice ... be interested to see the progress on this one :good:

Thanks smoothy, i'll be sure to post pics once the plants have settled in a bit. Any idea what Aaron was thinking about this arrow?

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