Um....not one person in this thread has mentioned/or supported having a cat de-clawed.

That's just wrong.
People want pets because they want them..plain and simple. It's part of our history to own pets. It's why "pet" animals exist. Because humans wanted them. And while I agree that some people do not need pets. I don't think it any of our places to tell anyone what they do and don't need based on a viable complaint they have with their current pet.
Dogs pee where ever they want naturally...I think if yours wouldn't quit peeing on your sofa leg, despite having been trained to not do'd be making a post asking people for suggestions.
Some cats are just little devils.
Personally none of my cats sharpen on the furniture, haven't ever had one that did. And I don't own a scratching post either. Most of them use the carpet in various places around the house..if they do it at all. Never noticed any spots looking "ragged" or anything. I think most just do it when I let them out as I water the plants...thus the pics of my Minnie on the tree root, "getting a manicure".
When you adopt a cat you don't know what behaivor they will possess. And cats are SO much different then dogs in the aspect of "training".
What you can "train" a dog to do..cats will just look at you like your stupid. You might get them to stop doing what you dislike by squirting them with water or telling them no...but you can rest assured when you leave..they do it. If for no other reason then to spite you.
Cats weren't designed to be trained, that's why most people just try to alleviate the behaivors they opposed to trying to "train" them to not do it. Some cats will give in to the training..others just do it even more after you leave the room.
Cats are funny creatures that way. If you've never pissed your cat off..I suggest trying it one good time. And watch what it does to something of yours..they can be quite vindictive. lol
When people have pets that display bad behaivors...they have to do something. Can't just let them rule your are the owner...which means it's up to you to stop bad behaivor.
If your cat has picked up a bad habit, or if it came home with one (should it be an adoptee) and it exhibits a behaivor that does not suit have to do something about it.
If someone has a cat, and then decides that that $3000 sofa they saw at the store would look perfect in their living room, and the cat decided to start using it as a scratching post..I think you can agree if it were'd be trying to fix the problem..and quick.
And, for the record..I don't consider this thread a form of "whining" it is a thread asking for help. I don't think it very nice to put it in that context. That makes people not want to publicly ask for help the next time they have a problem. And that's what this forum is suposed to be get help with problems you might have.