So Who Has A 5 Gallon & What Do You Keep In It?

I have a small group of 8 Endlers and a few MTS in my 5.8 Gal Nano Tank.
And will be putting in some shrimps once tank has established properly in a month or two, will also add some nerite or horned snails later as well.
Agree with above post that these small Nano tanks are not suited for beginners as the parameters do fluctuate a bit sometimes.
But I keep a close eye on parameters, testing at least once a week, usually a few days after water change, the trick is to catch any changes happening fairly early before anything starts getting worse. Before you ask, tank is definitely cycled!
I find that Nitrate goes up quite a bit sometimes even though I do have a few live plants in there. So I do a prompt water change as soon as I see nitrates creeping over 40ppm, luckily nano tank is small so does not take long at all to do a 35-40% water change to keep things ticking over nicely.
We have a 3 gallon cube, which actually holds about 4 gallons, with a Betta, an Otocinclus catfish, and a huge piece of wood with a giant Anubias growing out of it that the Betta hangs out in.
Neon Tetras need more room to swim so they shouldn't be recommended.  Tiny Emerald Rasboras would be much better if you want the Betta to have company.  Nerite Snails would be another good choice.   
DerpPH said:
I have my 2-year old male betta in a 5 gallon glass tank. Hopefully he doesnt die on me anytime soon but i'm prepared if ever lol.
2 or 3 years is lots :D Mine even died on me after 3 years.

I'm praying he makes it til march of 2014 so he'll be 3 years old but only God knows since he was already an adult when i bought him haha :D #FingersCrossed
My 5 gallon has changed since I last posted on this thread.  It used to have some juvenile guppies.  It has been rescaped with crypts and vals and a pea puffer named Wasabi!

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