Coo, Man
Really? Thanks! I figured as they're so similar to guppies they would be incompatible with bettas.

The tetras will:Renahastetras said:Hi there!
Turns out as I read the posts , we are also a NANO!!!tank owners!
Great! In New york, we happy to have a tank in our apartment!!))) So we had already a couple of fish (( Our five gallon worked well with 6-8 fish. (small neon tetras, chinese algea eater, glow fish, pristella tetra, diamond tetra). As we experienced and figured it out diamond tetras are poop a lot and they anyway large compare to the neons. So now we have 5 fish. 2 neon tetra, 2 pristella - calling them Franciscas
- and only one diamond tetra - female so named five diamond!!
They are happily swimming all over and eating well!
hi!TallTree01 said:The tetras will:
1) need a school of 6+ per species
2) need a tank of 30 gallons for all 18 tetras
hi!Renahastetras said:The tetras will:
1) need a school of 6+ per species
2) need a tank of 30 gallons for all 18 tetras
hi!the_lock_man said:The tetras will:
1) need a school of 6+ per species
2) need a tank of 30 gallons for all 18 tetras