So what can be worse than...

i've had that tank leak worry in the back of my mind for years. i've had my 125gal tank since 1994 but it still looks like it's holding up well.
only tank leak i've ever had was back in 1958 when i threw an old time one piece cloths pin at my brother and it hit my little 12 gallon aquarium dead center and wound up with little black mollys and red sward tails in kitchen glasses hoping i could explain it my parents.
Wow! 125g almost 30 years! Lots of history there.
Oh come on!!! I don't need this story right before I buy an aqueon 40g breeder!!!
Oh come on!!! I don't need this story right before I buy an aqueon 40g breeder!!!
Nah, go ahead and buy it, they are fine. I have one that I re-sealed after 10 years of service (just as precaution) and have had many Aqueon tanks without issues.
I have a 125 Aqueon purchased used in 2017. Solid tank. Also 2 75g of unknown age (= old), and 2 40b also of unknown age. All came to me as used tanks several years ago. Not a single issue. I also just resuscitated a very old Perfecto 125, which may be 30 years old, simply because they have not been manufactured in a long time.
My belief is that if the tank is on a proper stand (well supported, even, not exerting uneven lateral pressures (twist) on the tank), they are fine. Resealing the inside of a tank (mainly not structural) if there are issues is not difficult if the actual silicone between-panels (structural) appears in good shape. And then, there are the considerations as to where in the house the tank will be located (living room or like place vs basement, garage, etc). Good luck!
back in 2009 i ordered a cabinet stand and i moved the tank from one room to another. originally had it on a metal stand.
here is a pic of the cleaned-up tank with my wife helping with the setup. the other pic is how it looks now.


  • moving tank 2009.jpg
    moving tank 2009.jpg
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  • two ships.jpg
    two ships.jpg
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