So this is either weird or normal...

I know, right!?
At least your snails get jiggy with it quietly.....which is more than can be said for my Cories....constant flicking, flapping and occasional squeak...."pack it in you lot...I'm trying to sleep!"
You can't control the worm spillage once the can's been opened! But yes, sorry...the grown ups will now behave themselves so as not to make you young ones uncomfortable
I love if it my (all adult children) say something slightly ‘grown up’ and I join in 🤣. They go mu-uummm…😳🤮😂
Having minors on discussion forums is perfectly fine as long as they behave....and tbh I would rather have minors here wanting to actually LEARN than have them muddle along and screw everything up. The only minors who should not be on forums are those who flatly refuse to accept good advice and throw tantrums when they are told things that they do not want to hear or that does not fit in with their pre-ordained ideas.

If they are happy to learn how to do things properly and they can participate in proper discussion without throwing a tantrum, then that's fine.
Having minors on discussion forums is perfectly fine as long as they behave....and tbh I would rather have minors here wanting to actually LEARN than have them muddle along and screw everything up. The only minors who should not be on forums are those who flatly refuse to accept good advice and throw tantrums when they are told things that they do not want to hear or that does not fit in with their pre-ordained ideas.

If they are happy to learn how to do things properly and they can participate in proper discussion without throwing a tantrum, then that's fine.
I was under the impression that regulations state that under 18s shouldn’t be on these forums. Some of our members, albeit they are minors, are very knowledgeable and very ‘well behaved’ so in my opinion having blanket rules isn’t very helpful. However, when on an anonymous forum, how are you supposed to know if you are dealing with an adult or minor..? Having some sort of identifier would be useful in many respects, but that very identifier could possibly make them a target for those that prey on minors on forums - hence they shouldn’t be here.

@Rocky998, if you want to be on a forum (that should be adult only) don’t complain if the content gets a little cheeky, just don’t read and respond. And certainly don’t start threads about how long your snails have been engaged in adult activities…
As I have mentioned before, all forums are governed by COPPA.

Under 13 year olds are not legally permitted. During the registration process to join a forum you are asked your date of birth and anyone giving a DoB making them under 13 are automatically rejected.

However they can always add a few years and tell lies about their age.

There are no ways of discovering the actual DoB of ANYONE since that would infringe the many privacy laws that are present around the world.

As forum builders (as I used to be) and forum owners, moderators and admin, everyone who joins a forum is trusted to not lie about their age.

There are ways of figuring it out...mainly behaviour when posting...that frequently gives an under 13 year old away, one such case happened on this very forum a couple weeks ago.
I think it's a great place for kids to learn...but there is a safety aspect including exposures to mature themes and discussion

Maybe mods could make a kids only room or an adult only room that both age groups respect and stay out of? Don't know if that would work
There is no easy way to split age groups on public forums

Everyone is trusted to state their true age

Everyone is expected to behave in a responsible manner or they are booted

In life you will always get youngsters who are very mature for their age....and very childish adults.

The software does what it can by law to weed out the under 13's, the staff do their best to weed out those breaking the COPPA legislation and those who are disruptive in their behaviour regardless of age

People are taken on trust when they join public forums, just as people are taken on trust with every aspect of life.
There is no easy way to split age groups on public forums

Everyone is trusted to state their true age

Everyone is expected to behave in a responsible manner or they are booted

In life you will always get youngsters who are very mature for their age....and very childish adults.

The software does what it can by law to weed out the under 13's, the staff do their best to weed out those breaking the COPPA legislation and those who are disruptive in their behaviour regardless of age

People are taken on trust when they join public forums, just as people are taken on trust with every aspect of life.
Not disagreeing with you, just offering a suggestion...and yes of course it will be based on trust and respect.

I cringed a bit when I remembered Rocky was a teen, I'm going to have to work harder to sensor myself as I wouldn't want to expose him or any of the other minors to anything they shouldn't be....which is tough because I'm an adult on an adult forum
Well this is easy. If you are under age and shouldn't be here then go away, do the right thing and come back when you are an adult and are allowed to be involved in this type of forum.
Bah humbug! You're that old guy who sits on his porch shouting at people to get off his property aren't you?! 🤣

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