So Long, Convict. And Thanks For All The Fish Advice


New Member
May 4, 2006
Reaction score
Houston, Texas
OK, OK, OK...let it not be said that the forum collective was uninformed on their tank size requirements. (or at least on the temperments of the new world cichlids)
Alas, you can view my signature tanks, and see I had a situation on my hands with the aggressive cichlids... Well, the male Convict was beginning to mark up my extremely colorful almost red, white, and blue Firemouth. That was it!!! I pulled the convict out. He's a perfect little specimen healthy, quick growth, plain clean black and white stripes...the whole package. But, I have another convict in another tank, so, I put this baaad boy in a glass vase over night... :no: ... :sad: by morning he was resting from all his aggression for good.

Lesson learned: do your homework before buying your first fishes.
fish that require active filtration; REALLY need that active filtration.

Thanks, for everyones advice on my 10 gal TNT post.

sorry i'm a bit lost as to why there are more fish in your 15g than before, those minnows and danio's weren't there before? were they?

sorry about your convict though.... when are you getting your bigger tank?

Right you are Jayjay,

The two danios were an attempt to, what's the word for buffer fish? And the minnows...well, that was a long night of trying to reduce aggression. My 10g had all of the cichlids in it just a little while ago, week or 2, and I fed them 5 rosy minnows on recommendation from my lfs. "4 aggressive fish, minnow each, and one extra for whoever the greedy one might be!" But, to my suprise they only ate two of them. The three that remained I kept expecting to get eaten every day. Day after day, and then they just finally set up shop in the 10 with my JD and the female convict.

In the incident I metioned above, I tried to put the two convicts together first and moved the JD and the minnows to the 15. But, right away, I mean RIGHT away he started roughing up the female. SOOOO, I switched everybody back but I don't have a whole lot of room to chase the little minnows around the fake plants and stuff, so I left 'em. The 15g seems to have achieved major peace at this point!

Thanks, for the console!!!



Man, Bigger Tank!? As soon as one floats into my horizon with a next to free tag on it. Hasn't happened yet.
I don't see how you expect to keep fish that grow to be so huge in such small tanks. They will outgrow them in a couple months at the most as they can be fast growers. If you can't care for your fish properly, don't buy them and expect them to be happy in such a small tank. I agree, do your research before buying fish.
yeah he know's all this, we've been trying to help him for a few months now i think, but he's starting to sort things out.

BTW BRANDX don't just feed them live fish, feed them some sort of cichlid pellets for their health.

Wow, they're really overstocked :blink:

You'd need about a 45-55g for a dempsey and convict I would think, dont know for sure as I keep larger cichlids, but I know convicts can be evil little s*ds.

*Off topic - Lisa waves at SamUK from her desk in Keighley*
:-( Sam, Lisa, hoppy,

Thanks, for the verification on the overstock. I am and have been accumulating the bigger tanks as fast as I can get them. But, 55g tanks are like a car payment. I am looking for good deals and people getting out of their old setups and upsizing leaving behind their old stuff.
Just money, I have to wait for a deal to show up, in order to upgrade.

Do any of you have pics of your tanks? Is their a section on the site for that? I am just beginning to get that feeling that a properly stocked tank must look empty. Not to be defensive or anything like that, but the 15g sure looks cozy, no aggression, everyone getting a routine...etc. Not when the firemouth grows to 4-5 inches, I know, but for a while (which could only be weeks)?
keep your eye on ebay.

if you hadnt seen it already, if ya go to advanced search you get to choose to search for items within a certain radius in miles from your house.

ive bought all my tanks through ebay and ive got some amazing deals.

heres one of my tanks. my cameras crap but all the blurs are fish lol.


wow ...way overstocked but who knows, it could work temporarily :D

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