So I Was At Tong Garden Centre In Bradford Yesterday And...


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Dec 29, 2005
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Bradford, West Yorkshire
i was having a good look round their fish. They have some nice discus in there and some real bad ones (i.e bad parents = bad shape!!) so i got myself 4 golden lyretail mollies, a couple of dragon head guppies and low and behold i say this poor solitary male betta!! which is unusal to say the least because i have NEVER seen them stock them before.

I enquired as to how much he was and was told he was £3.99. Thats more than i usually pay but i felt sorry for the chap and gladly paid the man for him!!

SOOOO Lance is now happily part of my every growing band of men. I have THE perfect female for him, who matches his colors exactly!. He has a pink(ish) body and all his fins are a darker shade of pink.

Bless him !!
in the nicest way poss how can they breed if they cant b kept together.... you cannot keep 2 males together but you can keep male and females together. females dont fight with each other but males do. james B)
you cannot keep a male and a female together.

i do believe they will kill each other!

not strictly true. As per some of my previous posts, i actually have a tank with 6 females in and one male, along with 3 more males in the same tank, but they are in betta boxes. You cant keep 2 males together, free swimming in the same tank.


in the nicest way poss how can they breed if they cant b kept together.... you cannot keep 2 males together but you can keep male and females together. females dont fight with each other but males do. james B)

females do fight with each other dude, and they will readily flare at other females as well. However, the fighting that goes on between the ladies aint no where near as bad as the males. Its more like alittle nudging and fin nipping instead of full on death fighting.

Please have a read through the pinned topics in the betta section. Ah tong quality garden centre with the pacus that only grow 6 inches not 3 feet like the ones in other shops :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hows about this for a tong garden centre story, a bloke and 3 kids bought i kid you not bought 8 bags full of fish at the same time to go in a tank that had been set up 3 days. The fish included no less than 6 baby oscars and loads of neons other tetras an livebearers, and when i butted in to say err there not compatible, the kid who works there said oh we sell oscars and neons to live together all the time and we don't get any complaints


Please have a read through the pinned topics in the betta section. Ah tong quality garden centre with the pacus that only grow 6 inches not 3 feet like the ones in other shops :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hows about this for a tong garden centre story, a bloke and 3 kids bought i kid you not bought 8 bags full of fish at the same time to go in a tank that had been set up 3 days. The fish included no less than 6 baby oscars and loads of neons other tetras an livebearers, and when i butted in to say err there not compatible, the kid who works there said oh we sell oscars and neons to live together all the time and we don't get any complaints


LMAO!! quality.... maybe he ment to say " we sell the tetras as feeder fish for the oscars.... they seem to like it".

Personally i would have turned to him and said " ok then, if you sell them like that all the time, why dont you keep them together ALL THE TIME"..... o yeah thats write, CAUSE YOUR STOCK WOULD SUDDENLY DISAPPEAR YOU MINDLESS TW@ !

sorry, rant over.... nice story though emma. They have some really nice discus in there at the moment like i said... i nearly bought some, but they have some "locally bred" ones as well which are horrendous to look at, and it aint TGC fault, its the way they have been brought up. made me shudder just looking at them.
im confused!

i got slated on here when i asked if i could have male and female and now tyou guys are saying its ok?

which one is it?

Hmmm I was thinking of going to Tong Garden Centre on Mothers day with my mum to see what they had havent been in years! Sounds like they have gone the way of P@H! Oh well might take a trip to see whats there!

Spooky do you have any pics of the new guy? He sounds very interesting, £3.99 is the normal price I've paid for my males here in Leeds what do you normally pay?
im confused!

i got slated on here when i asked if i could have male and female and now tyou guys are saying its ok?

which one is it?


Anyone who doesn't want a massacre would be wise to keep males and females well apart. If you do anything else, you are taking chances with the lives of your fish. While some people are comfortable doing that, most of us do not like playing russian roulette with our beloved pets.
The people who are mixing males and females here have had sucess by using large tanks. They probably have unusually passive bettas - a rarity indeed. Just because someone has made an exception to the rule does not mean that it is wise to follow in thier footsteps. Furthermore, just because such a set-up has not failed yet does not mean it will not down the road; I've known of people with just females who have suddenly ended up with a blood bath. Creating an environment so unstable as to having a mix of both genders, or two males, is irresponsible and may lead to problems down the road. You would do best to continue keeping your males and female separate as it very seldom works out.
im confused!

i got slated on here when i asked if i could have male and female and now tyou guys are saying its ok?

which one is it?


i will have to get some pics sorted of all my tanks tbh! and update my stocking list in sig LOL!!

I will endeavour to sort out pics this week sometime. I have another 10 coming from joby 2morrow... all of which are on her webpage marked SOLD !! WUAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!

i normally get mine for £2.99 here in bradford from pet city. Im really pal-y with them so they might be doing me abut of discount, not sure though. TGC aint all that bad really. Lets put it this way, i been a few times in the past few months, and not seen ONE dead fish in any tanks. I just think its more the advice they give out thats all. The meds and stuff is quite cheap though.
i agree with what you said in a way RW mine are in a really big tank and the male is so placid its unbelievable for a male, I am in no way risking my fish to any degree though, as anybody who knows me knows that i love my fish, mine were put together in an emergency and just happened to get along so i let them be, the first sign of agression and the male will be pulled out. I do not recommend that everybody goes out and starts mixing male and females, no way, but some of us with more experience of keeping bettas have found ways of making it work without any problems :thumbs:
im confused!

i got slated on here when i asked if i could have male and female and now tyou guys are saying its ok?

which one is it?


Anyone who doesn't want a massacre would be wise to keep males and females well apart. If you do anything else, you are taking chances with the lives of your fish. While some people are comfortable doing that, most of us do not like playing russian roulette with our beloved pets.
The people who are mixing males and females here have had sucess by using large tanks. They probably have unusually passive bettas - a rarity indeed. Just because someone has made an exception to the rule does not mean that it is wise to follow in thier footsteps. Furthermore, just because such a set-up has not failed yet does not mean it will not down the road; I've known of people with just females who have suddenly ended up with a blood bath. Creating an environment so unstable as to having a mix of both genders, or two males, is irresponsible and may lead to problems down the road. You would do best to continue keeping your males and female separate as it very seldom works out.

erm, my male and females are in a 24 x 12 x 12 tank... not something i would really call large. Additionally, i resent your comment

If you do anything else, you are taking chances with the lives of your fish. While some people are comfortable doing that, most of us do not like playing russian roulette with our beloved pets.

i love all my fish in all 8 of my tanks equally and i feel that anyone with the amount of tanks i have could be nothing else than concerned and considerate towards his pets.

I can assure you that they are also in no way passive, as was proven last week when one of my other males got out of his betta box into the tank. Luckily he survived and is not recuperating with his IAL !

Im not saying that it might not all kick off, but all the males will be in a purpose built divided tank by the end of the week. I just resent some of your comments.
:drool: £3.99 is cheap! They are usually £4.50 here in the Midlands!
:drool: £3.99 is cheap! They are usually £4.50 here in the Midlands!

that was a higher price than i normally pay. £2.99 at Pet City !! femals are £2.50 all VT, but i do beleive that i have managed to purchase a CT for that price that must have got mixed in with the order hehehe

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