So I Inherited A Tank


New Member
Jan 21, 2010
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New member here hoping you can help me.

I have inherited a fish tank off my Step son. I slowly watched him ignore his tank over the last 5 years to the point where he hadn't even cleaned it in over 6 months. Finally he said I'm sick of it and I have stepped in for the fishes sake. I have cleaned the tank thorough and bought an extra filter so I am recycling at about 1500 l/h in a 180 litre tank (about 47 gallons.

there are two Silver Dollars and two Firemouths in the tank and two fish i cannot identify. Can anybody help in the identification of these fish please




Hi Hooch0959 :)

Welcome to the forum! :hi:

I'll move your thread to the Tropical Discussion section where it will be viewed by more members. I hope you get the information you are looking for and return again. :)
Wow, that looks kinda scary :lol:
I would say a plec of somesort. The common ones that can grow to 2 foot if not more.

Welcome to the Forum! :)
Hey, welcome to the forum :)
I would say the top one is a common plec? i recently had to have mine id'd. I dont know about the second one though mate :crazy:
Welcome to the forum!

I would agree with aly_starh and BadBadger common plec, and you also have an upside down catfish. These were the fish i inherited with my first tank!
Thanks for the help guys. He had no idea what he had bought, they are a least 9 years old he says. With how often he cleaned that tank I'm surprised that there were any fish in there at all.
yup looks like a common plec and a synodontis eupterus =]

how big is you tank? and how big are teh fishies in there right now?

welcome by the way :)
yup looks like a common plec and a synodontis eupterus =]

how big is you tank? and how big are teh fishies in there right now?

welcome by the way :)

Thanks for the Welcome everybody

Both the fish are about 7-8 inches long.

There are also two firemouths at about 5 inches long as well
Hi and welcome :)
When you say you cleaned the tank thorough, what did you do exactly?

yup looks like a common plec and a synodontis eupterus =]

how big is you tank? and how big are teh fishies in there right now?

welcome by the way :)
It is not a feather fin or common pleco but its name eludes me at the momment will check tomorrow i think it is a Royal panaque
yep common plec and upside down catfish
common plec and sydontis eupterus(common name feather fin cat fish).

The sydontis is as big as it will get,the plec can grow to around 18inches if his growth hasn't been stunted

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