So happy!! Got me some Corys


Jun 14, 2003
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I went to the lfs store today in search of corys. I still dont knwo what kind they are, but am searching for a pic of them so i can show it to everyone. I got 7, only because 2 of them are very small. Sadly, 1 of the little guys did not make it, he was only in my tank for about a half hour and he was laying on his side. I immedietly checked my water, but everything is still ok with that, so i am thinking the trip home and then being released and all was just too much. I will go get store credit for him tomorrow, or may get another 2 and put them in one of my 10's.
They are happily swimming around in the tank, very cute. My favorite part of watching them is when they speed to the top and then back down. LOL it is too cute. I will let you know what kind they are as soon as i find a pic of them.
Those critters are so cute! :D

Can't wait to see pics and what kind they are.

HERE'S a site that might help your search. Scroll the top half of the page for the dif species.
Thank you so much, i was searching everywhere. Went to that site and in secounds had what kind. Great site. Ok I borowed a pic from there. LOL I dont know how to post it here, but I will post it in the same place the rouges gallery is. Sandy
I could not figure out how to post it in here, so i put it in Non fish photos, if a mod reads this, could you move it for me? Please


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