Thanks, I appreciate you're offer to write up more detailed post but there was a post put up earlier in the thread that pointed out how easy it would have been.Great elephants man! Have you even looked in to sexing guppies? Its incredibly easy! Heres a general rule of thumb. Males are brightly colored females are usually grayish. Unless you get fancy females and even then its easy. I will write an in depth post later for you!!! Just look up female vs male guppy and you'll see how easy it is. And yes, one way or another you are going to get another tank. It WILL happen eventually
Every time I saw them in the store I just had this echoing voice in my head that said but they breed like rabbits they breed like crazy if you get those you'll have a hundred in a week blah blah blah!
I already have an empty 20 gallon that's not even set up!!
And a fully cycled 5 gallon.
I'm keeping the 20 gallon empty and I'm currently figuring out how to rearrange the fish I already have! Also, I have a bunch of Moneywort that I haven't planted yet.
I went to the fish store I stocked up on a bunch of food so I'm not going back for a while. In all seriousness, if I get anything more I will risk the health of my other tanks and that's no joke.
I'll post a picture of "The Fish Kitchen" sometime later tonight you'll see what I mean.
Did you ever put the sign up by the way for the FOTM contest because that's a nice looking Guppy.