So exciting!

Any updates Wuv? Love to hear how the show went for you all and the results. I checked the club site hoping for results but didn't see any. I understand a few folks from the my local club sent in some entries even. Hope it all went great! :)
Oh yeah! Kelly has some bettas for me! I am waiting to see it. Oh yes. Who paypal i have to send to kelly?
Alrighty guys, sorry I've been slow-mo. I was exhausted yesterday and I literally just sat here ( ok, I exaggerate :p I had water changes to do, grocery shopping etc, my poor family feels neglected... Three days without mom and you'd think that they'd been abandoned :rolleyes: )

Anyhoo, it went extremely well. Of course we had the slight mis-haps that are to be expected,but they're only learning experiences for the big show next month. Our biggest problem was lack of people to help and the thermostat in the building. It got pretty darn cool in there on Friday night and my club pres spent the night with the fish on Saturday, sleeping in a chair and moving a space heater around to keep the fish warm. Now that's dedication!!
Here are some show pics that I grabbed. Another member took tons of pics on Sunday,can't wait to see them. I did the auction so I'm sure any auctioneering pics of me are like this... :sly: :grr: :crazy: :drool: :hey: ...and so on.


The judges,judging.

It was really interesting to watch them judge and pick places. I learned a lot.
I stepped away from the auction so everyone could look over the fish again and grabbed a pic. We had a good turn out and only had like two fish who didn't sell. :thumbs:

This was the best sight I saw all weekend though, the skyline and my exit to home :wub:

Here are Yeevia's fish. Yeevia I got the BOSM and the RBOSM, three red females (one BF) and three of Raegans (Texaswoman) gorgeous gold/red girls. The pics do them no justice since they're in cups at the moment :X


RBOS again,while at show.

The boys look so great now. I've been feeding them for a couple of days and they're perking up. I realize now how absolutely hard showing is on them.
One of the red girls..(I'll send her detailed nfo along with her)

Another girl..

I really liked this one. She was so different, I hope you like her.

And one of three gold/reds...

Over all it was a blast. A little nerve wracking but a great feeling of accomplishment when it was over (although it's not quite over, I still have to fill out certificates and mail out awards). I said several times though "Omgawd...we'll have 7 times this many next month!!"

MAM~ Yes, we had several fish from Bettaheads and they did really well :thumbs: I posted the results on the betterbetta site on Sunday night so that Don Evans could post them officially on the IBC site. I've been talking with Mark Milliken via email,he's a sweetheart!
Glad to hear the show went so well! LOL, I'm sure Mark will be picking your brain on the show as he's itching for us to do a joint one with another club one of these days :lol:
Can't blame him, it is quite an adventure. Two clubs combined would be awesome because its a lot of work. Thankfully the very small handful of folks in my club are stubborn enough to believe that we can handle the workload amongst ourselves. There were only three of us there on Friday night doing the log books and set up and supposedly the log book themselves are a four man job,but we did it with two of us....and sometimes one and a half :flex:
By the way, the gentleman in the auction pic with his arms crossed was there for the wilds and they went for $$$. I bid for ya,and he outbid...boy did he outbid me/you :S
Wou, I love them all. Thanks Kelly for helping me to bid on them.
Just finally have some free time to check on the internet. Wou! I can breed the red females with my new rosetail red halfmoon! GREAT! She is very pretty with her tail and red too. They all awesome. :wub:

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