So Depressed.. Why?


Feb 27, 2009
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today i realized my starfish and my scarlet cleaner shrimp died... for no apparent reason :(. water levels are fine and they were in a 20gallon tank with a clownfish and a bubble tip coral.

any ideas on why they died? (no copper in the tank btw)

i think im going to start on my 2.5 gallon tank now, and keep maybe 1 invert in there..

any ideas on which invert to keep o.o?

thxx :unsure: :(
Sorry to hear of your lose.
2.5gallons, wow thats a small marine tank.
I would say a Sexy Shrimp but im not to sure if the tanks to small for that.
Then again, im only a beginner.
So i could well be wrong.

thanks for the reply fisher, i kinda changed my mind hearing what you had to say. i'll play it safe and put a sexy shrimp in my 20 gallon.

this may be a stupid question but im also a beginner with marine tanks. Can i put a few sexy shrimps in my 20 gallon with a clown and a bubble tip anemone?
i ask this because i feed my clown small pellets which contain shrimp in them, will this make the clown think that the sexy shrimps are food?

i think its the pistol shrimp and goby pair you can keep i think :S

but id try and get the 20gallon going well then the 2.5G mate :good:
k thx bagu!

i just picked up some green star polyps and found 4 brittle stars inside the LR.. since i have them now, i wana keep them

how do i feed them :unsure:

They will be fine just getting left overs from when you feed the fish. Got hundreds in my tank and have never specifically feed them.

what are your exact water parameters and what are you testing for?

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