So, An Asian Arowana With...


spamming my way to the top...
Sep 27, 2005
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Sheffield (rules your rear-end!)
Hi, I'm thinking about the stocking of my 180g and want to know if an asian arowana is possible? (it's a 6 by 2 by 2)

if yes, then what kind of tankmates would I be able to keep with it? Would fish like cons and firemouths be too agressive? Or is it the arowana which is likely to course the problem?

I was thinking

1 asian arowana
1 convict
some form of geophagus or a firemouth
1 delhelzi birchir
1 senegal birchir
5 pictus

is that too much? just right?

I am afraid that may leave my tank looking empty though :crazy:

aros are fine if mixed with other fish from young

i would forget the convict and the firemouth

the geos will be fine as long as you get the largher types

the birchirs will be fine as well

a 6x2x2 is not that bigger tank and wont look that empty when they all start to grow

try the pim pictus if you want but i thing the aro will chase them all the time
I dont mean to sound snobby but why would you want to mix a high end fish like an Asian arowana with common garden mutt fish like cons and firemouths?

If you are going to spend that kind of money on a fish then i would suggest keeping any tankmates in the same vein and spend that little bit more time and money on getting a few special fish that will complement the arowana.
lol, no spanking over here :D

it will only be a green because I have never kept aros before, and am more interested in body shape than colour

any ideas of complementing fish then?
scobina rays would work right guys??but that would be spanking some cash :rolleyes:a few limas?
im sure someone said dan from tropical imports gets scobinas in now and then
might be worth talking to him maybe he can do you a deal on a couple
get the aro 1st and sttle it in before you think about tank mates

but trust me on this save up the extra money and get a red tail gold they are the best entry level aro in my eyes

£90-120 for a green or £350 for a RTG

if you buy a green you will always wish you had a RTG

large green asian aros are not easy to sell on

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