Sneaky lfs employee....

Teelie said:
I prefer it when they give you discounts on stuff you wanted. :p

Yes, I'd say that's infinitely preferrable to being charged full price for items you DON'T want :p

I second what bunjiweb has said; not only was it sneaky of her, it was outright illegal. You have every right, both legal and moral, to go back there, receipt and products in hand, and explain the situation to the manager. At the very least you should request a full refund for your unwanted items, and in a particularly good store they may even give you a full refund to make up for the dishonesty of their employee, but even barring that you should at least get to return the unwanted products; that's just good business. :)
Back from the lfs.... :D

I got a full $14.67 refund, plus they gave me my chemical for free, and I got to see the insane woman get a good STERN talking to, and she got chewed out by EVERY other employee that was around to hear what she did.

Lol, I got apologies from the top manager!

The crazy woman kept giving me looks, they made her apologize to me like a 3 year old :hooray:

I feel so powerful :flex: LOL.

Glad I didn't end up "messing" with her, like someone said, i'm like 2 feet taller than her, and people prolly woulda thought I was attacking her or something dumb.

Thanks for the advice/info guys.

Everything worked out for the best :nod:

Most of the time the managers are more reasonable and willing to bend over for you so you'll come back to the store. Good that you didn't come off as an expletive I'd get in trouble for saying. You probably would have gotten the same deal but with a more repressive and "don't come back" response.
well, u did better than what i would do, i'd probably give a blow to that womans face. geez, that sounded a little harsh, lol.
Wow, what a crazy lady! Glad you got things taken care of.
logan89 said:
Glad I didn't end up "messing" with her, like someone said, i'm like 2 feet taller than her, and people prolly woulda thought I was attacking her or something dumb.

Besides which, you would likely not have gotten your money back, and might have gotten criminally charged on top of that! You definitely did the grown-up thing. There's no point in acting like spoilt two year olds when being mature, rational adults gets us what we want and then some, with smiles to boot. I'm pleased it worked out so well for you; you certainly deserved every apology you were given, and I'm glad it came out for the best. :thumbs:
Andie said:
logan89 said:
Glad I didn't end up "messing" with her, like someone said, i'm like 2 feet taller than her, and people prolly woulda thought I was attacking her or something dumb.

Besides which, you would likely not have gotten your money back, and might have gotten criminally charged on top of that! You definitely did the grown-up thing. There's no point in acting like spoilt two year olds when being mature, rational adults gets us what we want and then some, with smiles to boot. I'm pleased it worked out so well for you; you certainly deserved every apology you were given, and I'm glad it came out for the best. :thumbs:
Amen :angel:
no , dont take legal action, because when u sew her she can countersew u too !!! -_-

i saw this on a judge show, similar to this situation, some guy sewed another guy, and the guy sewing lost but the guy getting sew had a counter claim of- '' he made me lose a days worth of pay for bringing me to court, and got me fired from my job, and for pain and suffering from all this stress, and he actually got 2 thousand dollars !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remember people...Karma always comes back around. She got what she dished out and because you were polite and handled it the right way, you got treated with respect in return. I have to admit though, I would have LOVED to be there when she got her ass chewed and apologize!! :sly:

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