Snakes In My Closet


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
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Look what now lives in my closet... they belong to a friend, and trust me, while I find them interesting, I have no intention of ever touching either of them :lol:. I don't mind them in the closet, because even in the unlikely event they manage to escape their cages, neither can fit under the door. I have no fear of snakes, but having a hot out in my apartment would not be a good thing, and the boa could easily kill my pets if she escaped.
This is the Crotalus atrox, a species of rattler, who is actually quite tame and easy to handle with tools. He could probably be free-handled, but my friend has no intention of testing that theory, and I have no intention of even taking the bricks off the lid of his cage :p

The Hog Island boa. She's mean as sin, but not as bad as most Hog Islands, I'm told. A beautiful snake, nonetheless. (EDIT: Forgot to add, she is in a temporary moving container, obviously.)
2 lovely snakes.Do you have to hold a DWA over there to keep these or not?
I am guessing that the law is much more relaxed over there to what it is in the UK
I would keep them in my closet too.Now if they were corn snakes or hognose snakes that is diff.I love corn and hognose snakes. :) I would be a little scared to have a rattle snake at my house.
They have them in west TX, not where I lived, but plenty of others down there. We went for a walk one day up the walk along I45 and there was a baby one on the path. Ick. Dan decided it was time to go home.

I showed him your picture, I won't elaborate on his reply but it involved a shotgun and a lot of words my four year old doesn't know :lol: Generally, TX people ain't fond of rattlers in their houses, thought I see you maybe don't feel the same.
AWWW! lol

I was going to say, the first snake (rattler) looked somewhat like a hognose snake until I took a closer look at it. I used to have a hognose, cute little thing that scared the heck out of everybody.
I have only word to say OY !!! :hyper: This proves you appreciate ALL animals AND you are a good friend.

I don't think I could do it... or those hissing cockroach things either.... :shout:
You have my admiration.
i wouldnt mind the mean hogg island as long as the cage was secure, lol.....but i would never get anywhere near a rattler, forget it....and i like snakes, getting a baby black ratsnake later this month myself and have owned a few snakes in the past. but when it comes to venomous snakes thats where i draw the line!

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