Snake Id


Fish Gatherer
Jan 31, 2005
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To put a long story short, my aunt saw a small snake in her bathroom yesterday afternoon, called the RSPCA to come and get it. But by the time they turned up it vanished.

11pm last night we had a phone call from my aunt saying that the snake was back, so me being used to snakes went to have alook. When i arrived it was curled up on the window sill. At first glance it looked like a small corn snake, but now im not so sure. I have it in a large container atm.

Heres a few pics of him/her, what do you think?



Tried him on some pinkies just now. He had a nibble but didnt take the whole thing.
I didn't think you had snakes in Wales because it was too cold for them?
Maybe your aunt bought it and forgot she did :)
I'm certain it's a juvenile pantherophis bairdi.

Any chance of clearer pics of it's head?

I know a guy who is after one :good:
Colin i think it was a pet that must of escaped and ended up in my aunts house. She deffinetley didnt buy a snake, she was terrified last night.

Esfa it does look alittle like what you suggested actually.
Looks like some sort of rat snake to me. Do you have a pic of it strected out on a peice of paper or something?
I'm not a exactly a snake expert, I would have just guessed a colour variation of a corn snake.

It does look like Elaphe bairdi is in the same genus as the common rat snake.

This is certainly an escapee :).

Colin - There's three native snake species in Britain :). Snakes can hibernate. One species (the adder) is even found within the Arctic circle :).

It's been so warm recently, I'm even going to out to see if I can photograph some native lizards tomorrow (may fail without a telephoto lens), and I'm up in Scotland ^_^.
I'm not really a snake person.. not afraid of them or anything, they're just not my thing...
But that first photo you took of it is ADORABLE! Wook and that wittle face.. looks like it's snuggling up against you, awwww. Poor thing.
What do you plan on doing with it?
Yeah definetly some sort of young rat snake. I'm gonna go with a Bairds Rat to just because I don't think i've ever seen that orange dot on the nose of my everglades rats.. But young everglades rat snakes and black rat snakes also look a like so It could be hard to tell.

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