
IM NOT EVIL (honest)

I would love to leave snails in my tank BUT they are to damn ugly
Trumpet snails I would welcome with open arms for my sand

but these at the very top of this link

Are the most repulsive hideous reproducing little buggers I have ever encountered
I'll have upto 30 on the front of my tank at once.

I have a planted tank so they find alot to eat :(

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh not trumpet snails they are truly evil creatures. They came in my tank about six months ago on some live plants and drive me crazy. i didn't know they were in there until my substrate began to move one night and out popped a trumpet. there ar ethousands in my 120 gallon and they have literally taken over my tank.
Only TWO methods I know of work...

1/ Get a snail eating fish: Clown Loach, Yoyo Loach etc.

Problem with that is that if you have a small tank and / or you are fully stocked, this option is out.

2/ A course of Flubenol 15. Good for the fish too and it is not copper based! Also, as far as my testing with this procuct is concerned, safe with inverts too (i.e. shrimp) and this makes it a unique solution as it is not poison (copper) based (it is a med).


You see the problem with snails is not really the snails themselves, it's their damn eggs. Hence picking them out / cucumber tricks etc are never really going to work.

Hello I have a problem with snails. I use the cucumber method, really does work.

Look in your filter I found hundreds of the little blighters in there. Most of them were on the charcoal so I have removed it and I am just putting sponge back in there.
If you have snails, what do you mean when you state:
I use the cucumber method, really does work.

You don't have to live with them if you don't want to. There are methods that will totally eradicate a tank of these pests.

Well that's the idea! :rolleyes:

Vac them out / manual remove when dead. Water change out any slight ammonia spike. This is a very, very minor problem IMHO and WELL worth it to get rid of them!

Underwurlde, best med for killing snails is?...
Any Fubenol based wormer product: It's already been mentioned by ShoC's post #5 above.

ShoC is currently using a Discus wormer (that uses Fubenol) and from our correspondence he is having success.

Fubenol is NOT marketed as a snail killing product... it is a fish wormer med, usually sold for use with discuss.... but a VERY useful side-effect is that it kills snails! It does this by inhibiting their digestive system and hence they starve.

Note: My idea with these Flubenol based products is to dose weekly, over a period of about 5 weeks to rid a tank of snails. This is because it does not kill the eggs.. so you kill the parents and then the young when they hatch (and therefore don't lay more eggs).

This will kill all snails where the water circulates... in otherwords it ALSO kills any snails hiding in any internal filters.

I have a product called King British Snail control. Should I use this or not?

The LFS said the feedback on the product was very good.

Thanks Will
Well, they would say that wouldn't they. They are trying to sell this crap to you.

First off, it is copper based and therefore a poison.
Secondly, the description of this product only states that it 'knocks out snails' (makes them docile). What is the bloody point in that?
Finally I admit to using this stuff (before I found out about Flubenol). Expensive stuff and did did naff all.

Note: Copper is an acumualtive poison.

Go ahead, pour it in if you want to!
I wouldn't.

Totally agree with Underwurlde

I personally was a little apprehensive about using flubenol 15 (note I couldn't find any hence Discus wormer)

the site I purchased it from also states it also killed snails.
It's very simple to use basically a white power very fine mine was 100g treatment so just use a credit card to split it up into portions for dosing.
And Underwurlde said he does a water change.
I myself am not doing this as I have no fish (but read this can be overdosed with no side effects Don't quote me on it tho)

I have had a fair amount of algae growth due to ammonia build up (tank is unstocked uncycled tank with plants)

my snail population is going rapidly first week and a half nothing seemed to be going on
2nd week I noticed a drop tho.

Remove the snails if you can (without crushing them - releases eggs) I found credit card good for this with my lake limpets :mad:

awareness should be raised about flubenol 15 (and products based on flubenol *discus wormer* )
To prevent people using Copper based Meds as they are totally pointless and harming fish without any need to

p.s everything I know is from Underwurlde (maybe you should try to get a sticky about it posted up in the new to *hobby section*

Good luck with your snails everyone and watch your ammonia/nitrite if you do this.

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