Snail Id Please


Fish Herder
Jun 1, 2006
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Does anyone know what the common and scientific names of this snail are?? They look like MTS but with spikes. I have looked at the "Spike Tail Trumpet snail" (Melanoides granifera) on Snailshop's website but not convinced they are the same. Thanks :)

Edit: Forgot to ask - do they cross-breed with the normal MTS?




Looks like a type of [size=-1]Assasin Snail, Genus Anentome
These eat other snails, this is where they get the name [/size]
[size=-1]Assasin Snail.

They will not cross with MTS, just eat the odd one.
Thanks helterskelter, I don't think they are Assasin snails since they came from a tank full of MTSs and they have been in the same container as 3 other normal MTSs for a week now since I got them. No sign of any killings even a couple of babies MTSs were born :lol:
I have no idea what they are, though they are not killersnails, I like them, if you get too many they are welcome to move in with me :D .
:D I'm surprised how pretty they look in "macro" too. They are quite small (< 1 cm) at the moment and don't look too different from the normal MTS at a glance tbh.

The closest matches I have found so far are Thiara winteri or Thiara scabra but still not sure :unsure:

Guys, if they breed like and don't cross with normal MTSs, you are welcome to the future offspring :D
I was going to say Thiara winteri at first glance too.

It's definitely not Anentome helena.
Thanks dizzied :)

Does anyone know any websites for identifying freshwater snail??

Edit: Here's a pic compared with normal MTS (the middle long MTS is from my tank the the other two from same LFS tank)

I think has a snail section in their species database, but beyond that, I don't know of anything else. The site is in German though, so you have to use a translation service if you want to read it.
Thanks guys :D Those were the web pages where I came up with the names too :good: Also saw some sites suggest that it's Melanoides granifera.

I have no idea whether the two I got were captive bred or not. Have to wait and see whether their babies retain the spikes/spines :lol: Will update here when that happens :)
Just a small update. It's been 3 months I've had these snails and I've only seen 2 babies so far, so they are not breeding as much as my normal MTS. Maybe it's my cold room temperature :rolleyes:

Anyway, I got myself loads more, well about 20 or so, from LFS this weekend :blush: The guys in the LFS think that I'm mad wanting trumpet snails :lol:

ID-wise, the closiest I can match is Thiara scabra. There's a picture about 3/4 way down on this web page.

Just a small update. It's been 3 months I've had these snails and I've only seen 2 babies so far, so they are not breeding as much as my normal MTS. Maybe it's my cold room temperature :rolleyes:

Anyway, I got myself loads more, well about 20 or so, from LFS this weekend :blush: The guys in the LFS think that I'm mad wanting trumpet snails :lol:

ID-wise, the closiest I can match is Thiara scabra. There's a picture about 3/4 way down on this web page.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Cool little guys, I know snailshop used to sell "Spike tailed trumpet snails" but I dont think thats them.

Fancy sending me a couple? :lol:
If you do get them breeding I would like a couple aswell are they particularly voracious herbivores?

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