smb and alien anna

rosierabbit said:
thought 1) what does smb actually stand for?? i thoguht about it and came up with... stick man's body!!! hmm... :fun:

thought 2) not as interesting (except to alien anna, perhaps), but i think a.a should be made into a moderator :nod: , because she's nearing 1000 posts, in fact, shes beating smb - who happens to be a mod!! hmm... :lol:
Well, it appears I've done something to aggravate you to make you think of starting a thread to compare me to someone else? In effect, I see this thread as only trying to cut me down. And nothing other than that.

If I have done something wrong, I appologize to you and everyone because the only thing I want to do is help you and others.

I agree that Alien Anna is very astute and has a wealth of knowledge and I learn from her everyday reading her posts. I've even PM'ed her a couple weeks ago letting her know how great I think she is.

If posts were a comparison to knowledge then should I also say that years in the hobby means the most intelligence also? Of course not!

I've been in the aquarium hobby for 27 years now so does that mean that I know more than anyone with 26 years or less experience? No!

I know there are many people here that know a lot more than I'll ever know. I never tried to pretend otherwise. Alien Anna, lateral Line and especially cichlidmaster are just 3 of quite a few people here that I could never hope to compare to when it comes to knowledge. I didn't ask to become a Mod here. I was asked. I accepted because I care about you guys. It's not an ego trip at all for me. I just love trying to help people. I know cichlids and water params and about 5 community fish. That's it. I never tried to pretend to know more than that. I barely know what a betta or molly looks like. I've even said so many times here. When I look something up I think I am very good at saying "I had to search to help you..."

I'm not sure if you meant to hurt me with this thread but you did. Well, actually I AM sure that you intended to and that's why you started this thread! Why else would you start out with...What does smb stand for... if you really cared about the pretense of your post you wouldn't have started out with that because that wouldn't be the first thing on your mind and what you would start a post with!!! It's obvious that you have ulterior motives here but don't bring me down trying to achieve them!!!

I don't see why you singled me out? If you all would like I'll just stay in the cichlid section and not try to help a person that is distraught with questions in another forum here.

I try to help because I honestly care and want to help everyone. Do you even realize how many nights I went with only an hour or 2 of sleep trying to help someone since I've been here? If I didn't care I would have just logged off and came back the next day after I came home from work. Do you know how many articles I've written for this forum? No you don't! I write them and give them to William. I ask for nothing more. You are clueless as to what we all do behind the scenes!

If you don't like what I do I would appreciate it that you PM me first and if you don't get the response or changes you like from me then PM William after that. To have a thread questioning my competence is uncalled for, and frankly, not necessary and rude.

Please let me know what I've done wrong so I can try to change and better help you instead of making a thread out of it and embarrasing me in the future.

If everyone here wants me to leave just PM William and all he has to do is ask me and I won't fight it.

You are way out of line Rosie and have no tact whatsoever!
Woah dead right smb I didn't read it properly that was incredibly rude.
revengeishere said:
I go to 4 different forums and the mod at this one forum(no names...) are quite annoying, you mispelt something, or did'nt not use capitals, or just a slithg mistake, they will warn you, otherwise, your post will be deleted. I mean thats good, but its kinda overkill IMHO. We wanted to know about the hobby, not to learn english lessons. I do see thier reasons for doing that, but the board where you post site issues, many people have complained that their posts are gone, or move without thier knowledge...geez.
I totally agree. Had the same experience so I don't go there often now. That site requires us to type proper english with the correct punctuations etc n doesn't allow any external sites whatsoever! I feel much more free when coming on here. I luuuuuv this site!! :D :nod:

Big thanks to William n the mods!! :thumbs:
Kossy said:
Woah dead right smb I didn't read it properly that was incredibly rude.
It's absolutely rude and rosie meant it that way when she posted it. Why else would my name even be in the thread title and she would make fun of me (my name) right off the bat? For the record rosie, I'm 6'4 and 250 pounds. I highly doubt I'm a "stick man body" like you so callously call me.

I have my pic in my profile when you click on my name...where's yours?

That's as stupid as me saying that since I have more posts per day than anyone in the forum that my intel is better than anyone elses.

As far as I'm concerned, it's over outside of this thread but I had to reply when I feel like I'm being dragged down for wanting nothing more than trying to make friends here and help out. If this thread was about anyone else I'd close it but since it's about me I'll leave it open but won't respond anymore.
I think its offensive and rude and in my opionion smb she/he is jealous.
This time when I read more carefully n yes, even as an outsider's point of view, there's some nasty things said from the start of this threat! Everyone should be considerate n responsible for the things they've said, even for a youngster or teenager. This is a great forum n every mod's really helpful n has been doing a great job! Things r open to discussion, but saying such kind of silly things won't get nowhere. I think someone should apologise for the things she said to upset people.
SMB great biceps in that pic :p

We :wub: ya honest! Hopefully this is all just a big misunderstanding (*desperately hopes so in slightly naive fashion*)
One of my rare "from the heart" moments coming up...................

back on 8/17/03, I replied to a post in the moderators forum concerning new mods.

I offered to resign as a moderator here due to the fact I cannot devote as much time to this forum as I used to.

You see, I work a 50+ hour a week job, my wife and I operate a retail fish business from our house which takes a huge amount of my time and I am active with several other sites including my business web site.

When smb came along, I felt the offer to "step aside" was a good one since there were "other's" to take my place here (smb being one of them)). I felt it was time to pass the torch so to speak.

We should all be incredably grateful to have a member here of smb's caliber to help. In a very short time he has made a big difference on this site and I for one would like to thank him.

I have never really liked the post count aspect of this or any other board I visit/am a mod on due to the misconception that it "means something"!!



Please don't let the actions of one/few ruin all you have done here.

Oh and by the way........your not getting out of here that easy!! Your here to stay and I for one am glad of it.

I was kind of shocked when I first read this thread, but nobody else seemed at all bothered by it, so I assumed it was just me. With absolutely nothing against Alien Anna, anybody can end up with thousands of posts on any forum. I've already got wayyy too many on this one. It stems from being home a lot, probably partially from boredom, in this case, perhaps obsession with fish (I know lots of you can relate to that last one). Not just anybody can be a mod. I was a mod on another board once. I think I lasted about a month. No way was I willing to stay up half the night 'babysitting' quarrelsome posters.

Again, with absolutely nothing against any other mod on this board, as I'm sure this is only because of the forums where I spend the most time here, but smb is the mod I see the most. He's the one I always see late at night (if it's late on the west coast, it's later where he is), helping some desperate fishkeeper through a crisis, one post at a time. I posted a somewhat unpleasant observation about some posts in a thread recently. Smb sent me a private message INSTANTLY, wanting to see if there was anything he should or could do about the way I was feeling. He cares a lot about this board, and he cares a lot about fish.

I hope that Rosie didn't realise what she was saying when she made this thread. I hope it was all in good humour, but articulated poorly. Mostly, I hope smb reads the supportive messages others are writing and doesn't go anywhere for a long time!
I for one think that smb is one of the best things that has happened to this forum lately and I hate the idea that anyone here would intentionally go out of their way to hurt and/or discredit him. He has the full backing of the administrator and all of the mods - in fact we won't let him go even if he wants to. This is a lifetime job for him whether he wants it or not :D

Three cheers for smb - hip hip hooray :wizard: :band: :hooray:

i am sincerely sorry you felt this way. i did not mean it to be at all offensive. i apologise from the bottom of my heart - it was just a silly joke that no thought went into. i swear i won't say anything like that again. i never check anyones profile either, and although it seems a personel comment, it was no judgement on your character. :no:

because of this, i feel i ought to leave the forum, so i will.

sorry again. :sad:
rosierabbit said:

i am sincerely sorry you felt this way. i did not mean it to be at all offensive.

because of this, i feel i ought to leave the forum, so i will.

sorry again. :sad:
Please do not go, rosierabbit. :eek:

You were the first one to welcome me to this forum when I was a newbie and I think of you as a special friend. :D

When I read your post I did not interpret it in a negative way. I just thought "here is a young girl being silly." I was a young girl once so I can understand that.

Your apology was most gracious and I hope smb will understand and accept it. We all do and say foolish things at times, but let's get beyond that.

Please stay and help make things even better at this forum! :D
cichlidmaster said:
When smb came along, I felt the offer to "step aside" was a good one since there were "other's" to take my place here (smb being one of them)). I felt it was time to pass the torch so to speak.

We should all be incredably grateful to have a member here of smb's caliber to help. In a very short time he has made a big difference on this site and I for one would like to thank him.
I for one am very grateful to you and smb, particularly when it comes to cichlids - what I know about thos fish you could write on the back of a postage stamp! If at some time in the future I manage to cover the entire back of an envelope with my knowledge, I'm pretty sure one or both of you will be partly responsible ;)

People seem to be mistaking my journalistic ability for "intelligence" or experience or something. All I do is take information I get from such experts as yourselves and try to write it in a clear, informative manner. Apparently I often succeed to some degree, which is very gratifying, but it isn't expertise in fish keeping, its expertise in writing and communicating. Different skills entirely.

It's a little like saying a book by Jackie Collins must be a better piece of literature than a book by Jane Austen because it's got a nicer cover and is more commonly available! :lol:

I might know a little bit more about biochemistry and physiology than some people because I studied a biochemistry degree at University. However, that gets your tank cycled and not a lot further. I also read a lot about the species of fish I keep, so I might be an (on paper) "expert" in about 12 species (any knowledge about other fish has been gleaned from this board).

So, if you and smb and the others keep sharing your knowledge and managing this board, I'll keep learning - and maybe now and again I'll write an article summarising everything I've learned so that even more people can benefit from your knowledge :D
Incidently, Aquanut and others, the reason I post so much is
1. I've been very bored and stressed recently and it stops me thinking about stresseful things.
2. I have Asperger's Syndrome and one of the symptoms is obsessive-compulsive behaviour and "unusually intense interests".
3. I like telling people how to live their lives :p

I'm just amaze you look put up with me! You must be thinking "Doesn't that woman ever shut up?" (Answer: no, sorry). :rolleyes:
Oh Anna! I didn't mean to question or comment on your post count, specifically. I was just meaning that anybody on any board can have lots of posts out of boredom or lots of spare time, as opposed to a high count signifying expertise on any given subject. I'd rather the posts weren't counted. That way, it would be harder for people to see just how much time I spend here!

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