small tanks

Hey guy im a breeder of show bettas, and in my opinion, one gallon is a MIN(meaning they can survive but few strive) the ideal tank is 2.5(heated in any way possible) to 5 to 7 gallons. If you get any bigger they do get stressed out and don't swim around ect. Heres a some littel tricks to see if your betta is truly happy and not just fine.
1) And for males is there a BIG bubble nest(three to four inches each way, or biger).
2) Is all it's fins faned out? Not droopy or against there bodys? They should not be flairing though(there gills will be out if they are)
3) Is it active in the tank and resonsive when you enter the room, "checks" out everything for moast of the day.
4) And if you have a girl is she full of eggs regulary?

If your betta is all of thoughs things then you have a happy betta :kana: but if they dont chances are there is somthing wrong to make him/her unhappy. Some comman reasons is water quality, too much movment in the tank from filters and air stones(they like a STILL surface) or heat. Of course there could be other reasons but thoughs sre the moast comman ones in my opinion and exsperiance. I hope this helps any one. I say the above beacause that's what I FIND is the best, and works the best from MY exsperiance and others.
wrs said:
and just because theyre big doesnt mean theyre deap.
Acutally I've been to japan and have been on a tour of a rice farm they are about at least a foot to a foot and half throughout the field. When the people were walking through it it reached about mid shin.
kissez_61 said:
Hey guy im a breeder of show bettas, and in my opinion, one gallon is a MIN(meaning they can survive but few strive) the ideal tank is 2.5(heated in any way possible) to 5 to 7 gallons. If you get any bigger they do get stressed out and don't swim around ect. Heres a some littel tricks to see if your betta is truly happy and not just fine.
1) And for males is there a BIG bubble nest(three to four inches each way, or biger).
2) Is all it's fins faned out? Not droopy or against there bodys? They should not be flairing though(there gills will be out if they are)
3) Is it active in the tank and resonsive when you enter the room, "checks" out everything for moast of the day.
4) And if you have a girl is she full of eggs regulary?

If your betta is all of thoughs things then you have a happy betta :kana: but if they dont chances are there is somthing wrong to make him/her unhappy. Some comman reasons is water quality, too much movment in the tank from filters and air stones(they like a STILL surface) or heat. Of course there could be other reasons but thoughs sre the moast comman ones in my opinion and exsperiance. I hope this helps any one. I say the above beacause that's what I FIND is the best, and works the best from MY exsperiance and others.
I disagree with that statement also. I feel 1 gallon and up is ideal for a betta. I prefer 2.5 gallons, but they still thrive if they have at least 1 gallon. I have a male that wont build a bubble nest no matter what. I have another that will only build them after he has mated. Those are good general guidelines but not the be all end all.... ;)
kissez_61 said:
Hey guy im a breeder of show bettas, and in my opinion, one gallon is a MIN(meaning they can survive but few strive) the ideal tank is 2.5(heated in any way possible) to 5 to 7 gallons. If you get any bigger they do get stressed out and don't swim around ect. Heres a some littel tricks to see if your betta is truly happy and not just fine.
1) And for males is there a BIG bubble nest(three to four inches each way, or biger).
2) Is all it's fins faned out? Not droopy or against there bodys? They should not be flairing though(there gills will be out if they are)
3) Is it active in the tank and resonsive when you enter the room, "checks" out everything for moast of the day.
4) And if you have a girl is she full of eggs regulary?

If your betta is all of thoughs things then you have a happy betta :kana: but if they dont chances are there is somthing wrong to make him/her unhappy. Some comman reasons is water quality, too much movment in the tank from filters and air stones(they like a STILL surface) or heat. Of course there could be other reasons but thoughs sre the moast comman ones in my opinion and exsperiance. I hope this helps any one. I say the above beacause that's what I FIND is the best, and works the best from MY exsperiance and others.
i also disagree. my male is now in a 5 gallon tank, breeder tank, and its about 2.5 gallons full i think, and hes misrable. in his one gallon hes happy. he has no heater, gets once a week water changes. He makes HUGE bubble nests in that 1 gallon, but in the 5, only a few bubbles.

I think that 1 gallon is GREAT for bettas. all mine are in 1 gallons and love it. when they go in bigger ones they get depressed.
its crazy, i had one that started out in a 2.5 gal, he hid, never swam, was just miserable. moved him intoa 1 gal. still miserable. moved him into a 1/2 gal, happy as a clam. then i had another, started in a 1 gal, miserable, moved to 2.5, swims about all the time. have another, went from 1 gal to a 5 gal, he hardly moves about in the 5 gal. was happier and more active in teh 1 gal. its different with every fish.
kissez_61 said:
Hey guy im a breeder of show bettas, and in my opinion, one gallon is a MIN(meaning they can survive but few strive) the ideal tank is 2.5(heated in any way possible) to 5 to 7 gallons. If you get any bigger they do get stressed out and don't swim around ect. Heres a some littel tricks to see if your betta is truly happy and not just fine.
1) And for males is there a BIG bubble nest(three to four inches each way, or biger).
2) Is all it's fins faned out? Not droopy or against there bodys? They should not be flairing though(there gills will be out if they are)
3) Is it active in the tank and resonsive when you enter the room, "checks" out everything for moast of the day.
4) And if you have a girl is she full of eggs regulary?

If your betta is all of thoughs things then you have a happy betta :kana: but if they dont chances are there is somthing wrong to make him/her unhappy. Some comman reasons is water quality, too much movment in the tank from filters and air stones(they like a STILL surface) or heat. Of course there could be other reasons but thoughs sre the moast comman ones in my opinion and exsperiance. I hope this helps any one. I say the above beacause that's what I FIND is the best, and works the best from MY exsperiance and others.
thanks for your input but for future reference, calling yourself a "breeder of show bettas" doesn't really mean much to me. :dunno:
MAM said:
its crazy, i had one that started out in a 2.5 gal, he hid, never swam, was just miserable. moved him intoa 1 gal. still miserable. moved him into a 1/2 gal, happy as a clam. then i had another, started in a 1 gal, miserable, moved to 2.5, swims about all the time. have another, went from 1 gal to a 5 gal, he hardly moves about in the 5 gal. was happier and more active in teh 1 gal. its different with every fish.
I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one with a betta that prefers a 1/2 gallon! For a while there I thought I was crazy. *lol*
A couple of mine are in 1/2 gallons. I tried moving them to 1 gallon bowls a while back, but they became lethargic and didn't eat as much -- moved them back to their old bowls, and now they're both much happier and have enormous bubble nests (one seems to like trying to cover the entire surface with bubbles :lol:)
I agree, though. For most, between 1 and 2.5 gallons is best :nod:
I keep my betta's while breeding in a 2ftx18x10 tank then after spawning i remove 2 of my females and finally the one that has spawned is removed,all to the 4ft tank.

here's what i mean


  • betta_tank2.JPG
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Dane said:
I feel like building a paddie XD that'd be so cool... hmm..
This is off-topic, but if you'd like to see one in person, the Philippines has what they call the "Banaue Rice Terraces" and it has been nicknamed the 8th wonder of the world. No bettas there, though. :fun:
i think the size of the tank has to do with the betta..i moved my boy from his 2 foot tank to a fish bowl and all he did was sit and sulk so then i moved him back and hes sooo much happier..but deffinatly i think its to do with the fish...

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