Fish Fanatic
so thats what a rice paddy looks like...
Yea what he saidbkk_group said:actually bettas in the wild that live in amongst the rice fields are more often than not found in the ditches that line the fields as opposed to being out in the open. many betta also live in marsh lands, flooded areas, canals, and ponds, pretty much any natural water source with calm water and floating plants is desired. they do not travel (unless swept away by floods during rainy season) and prefer to stay in one small area (their territory) where they will build a nest amongst the plants and raise young. for that reason betta enthuisiasts find that they do better in smaller well planted tanks than large tanks.
sure, it's completely feasible for some bettas to feel the need to jump (or flip flop) from puddle to puddle during the dry season, when water is less plentiful.GuppyDude said:lol..ok BL![]()
iv got another question now, i heard sumwhere bettas jump from puddle to puddle during the rainy season to reach new bodys of water is this tru?
I didnt say anything about deep, you guys were saying bettas just hang out in gallon puddles in the wild, and that was the farthest from the truth. Of course you coulda just asked betta lovawrs said:but in those isnt there alot of rice so they dont have that much room to swim in?
and just because theyre big doesnt mean theyre deap. And if they have territories in those because of all the other males and females