The bumble bee gobies don't get any bigger than an inch, and they need frozen or live food too.
The great thing about dwarf puffers is that they love eating snails. I go to lfs and they give me a bunch of those little common snails most people see as a problem, and Missy (my puffer) loves them. They need to grind the hard shells so their beak (their mouth) won't get overgrown.
P.S. You will probably read that bumble bee gobies are fin nippers and are extremely hard to take care of since they will only eat live food...and that they are brackish. My bumble bee gobies are peaceful and never bother anyone...they LOVE frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp...and mine are in freshwater, and are happy and healthy. Some lfs will have them in brackish, so I would suggest keeping them in the type of water (fresh or brackish) that they lfs has them in.
You might also read that dwarf puffers need salt, but they are truly freshwater fish.